to Indonesian

NUMBER 95 OF 2012



Veterinary Public Health is the connecting link between the Animal Health and Veterinary products, human health, and environmental health. Veterinary Public Health, as one element of the Animal health in the broadest sense, is the medical affairs Animal and Veterinary products that directly or indirectly affect to human health. Animal diseases that can be transmitted to humans and/or animals products that are in animal disease categorized as Animal Zoonoses. Therefore, the implementation of Veterinary Public Health became an important part of community activities to protect public health and community peace through guarantees hygiene and sanitation in the production chain of Animals, guarantee Animals product for the required of halal, safety, health, and wholeness, and Control and Prevent Zoonoses.

Guarantee Hygiene and Sanitation is the basic requirements of food safety assurance system. Guarantee Hygiene and Sanitation implemented to protect the public from the dangers that can harm health from consuming food of animal origin (foodborne disease) or use the Animal products by controlling Animal products risk in the production process that is tainted or contaminated by biological, chemical, and physical hazards, as well as the risk of Animal products become not halal for the required.

Guarantee Hygiene and Sanitation executed by applying a good way in the production chain of Animals products in places such as farming of cutting Animals and milking Animal, where the production of Animal origin food such as meat, milk, eggs, honey, and their derivatives, the production place of non-food Animal products such as leather and fur, slaughterhouse, places of collection and sales, and transportation. The Business Unit of Animal products that have implemented good way consistently awarded Certificate of Veterinary Control Number as halal security of animal products for the required, security, health, and wholeness Animal products.

Guarantee Animal products through arrangements of circulation of Animal Products, Animal products for domestic production, import origin from abroad, or were exported from the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Guarantee Animal products through supervision, checking and Testing, standardization, certification, and registration, to ensure safety Animal products since the cultivation process until circulation (safe from farm to table).

Globalization and global climate change triggered the emergence of new diseases (emerging infectious diseases/EID) that have never existed before that can infect humans and/or Animal. Most emerging infectious diseases that infect humans caused by the Zoonoses. Zoonoses incident or outbreak can cause a significant impact on the economic, social, or defense and security aspects. Zoonoses Control and Prevention through determination of priority Zoonoses by Minister with relevant ministers, particularly ministers who held government affairs in the field of health, risk management, emergency readiness, Combating Zoonoses and public participation with respect to health, environment and Animal Welfare.

With the rise of the welfare status of the world, especially in developed countries, increasing the awareness and demand for the application of the animal welfare, so it could potentially be one of the barriers in international trade. Thus, Indonesia, which is developing its economy, particularly in the field of husbandry and Animal health, it is necessary to accelerate the application of animal welfare in order to increase the competitiveness of Indonesian products in the free market and the dignity of the Indonesian nation in the international world.


Article 1


Article 2

Letter a


Letter b


Letter c

Animal handling due to Natural Disasters done to save the Animals from the impact caused by Natural Disaster by applying Animal Welfare, to prevent the occurrence and spread of Zoonoses, and maintain a healthy environment.

Impact due to Natural Disasters such as the emergence of Zoonosis outbreaks that threaten human health from environmental pollution by the carcasses of dead animals are a threat to the implementation of the Animal Welfare for Animal are hurt or injured and causing Animal permanent disability.

Article 3

Paragraph (1)

Letter a

Guarantee hygiene and sanitation is basic security system and Animal products quality.

Letter b


Letter c


Paragraph (2)

Letter a

What is meant by "Animal origin food products" are the meat, dairy, eggs and their derivatives, as well as all materials derived from animals are used for human consumption such as honey, birds' nests, and gelatin.

Letter b

What is meant by "non-food Animal products that potentially carries the risk of Zoonoses directly to humans" such as Animal products are used for pet food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and non-food industry.

Letter c


Paragraph (3)


Article 4

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "Animal products production chain" are intertwined relationship between each stage of the production process starting from cultivation Animals, Animal origin food production place in the form of fresh and their derivatives, where the production of non-food fresh Animals products and Animal origin food derivative Products, slaughterhouse (RPH), the collection and sales places, as well as in the transport of Animal products.

“Animal origin food derivative products” above are Processed Food of Animal Origin which still contains the basic ingredients of meat, milk, and eggs that could potentially carry the risk of transmitting Zoonoses agents.

What is meant by "good way" is a program of the basic requirements in product safety and quality assurance of Animals, such as include the practice of good hygiene and sanitation, good veterinary practice, and bio security practices.

"Hygiene and Sanitation Practices" above applied to the production chain of animal that include bio security, good veterinary practices, and good milking practices in cultivation, good slaughtering practices in Animal slaughterhouses, good handling practices in production, collection and sales places, as well as a good Circulation practices in the transportation.

"Good Veterinary Practice" above are all activities related to Animal health security, such as delivery Animal drugs and biological materials under Veterinarian Supervision and feeding are safe and in accordance with the physiological needs of Animals.

Bio security Practices are all measures to prevent the entry and spread of disease agents to vulnerable Animals populations on a farm and/or area, such as ensuring the cleanliness of cages, equipment, and environment, as well as the separation of the new Animal from old Animals and sick Animals from healthy Animals.

Paragraph (2)

Letter a

What is meant by "cultivation" is to maintain cutting Animal, milking Animal, and egging poultry. Animals breading including maintaining the temporary place of maintaining Animals (shelter), such as poultry shelters.

Letter b


Letter c


Letter d

What is meant by "Animal slaughterhouses" are places to slaughter Animals in the framework to guarantee the meat will be distributed to the halal for the required, safety, health, and wholeness.

Letter e

What is meant by "collection place" is a warehouse/storage of Animal or Animal products in accordance with the requirements of a storage temperature of Animal products, such as warehouse/frozen room (cold storage), which requires a minimum temperature of -18°C for frozen Animal products and warehouse/cold room (chilled room) for Animal products that require storage temperatures between 4°C to 8°C.

What is meant by "sales place" is a traditional market, supermarket, shop, and kiosk.

Letter f

What is meant by "transportation" includes transport by land, sea, and air.

Paragraph (3)


Article 5

Paragraph (1)

Letter a

What is meant by "cutting Animal" is being maintained or cultivated Animals used for human consumption such as meat as beef cattle, buffalo, goats, sheep, rabbits, poultry cattle, and swine, dairy and poultry laying Animals that are not productive, and the kind- Wilds types based on legislation in the field of conservation of bio natural resources can be hunted and used the meat, such as deer.

Especially for Wildlife, importation into the kind of slaughtering Animals can be made after fulfilling the provisions of the legislation in the field of conservation of bio natural resources.

Letter b

What is meant by "milking Animal " Animals that are maintained or cultivated for use milk as human consumption, such as dairy cattle, Murrah buffalo, and Ettawa goats.

Letter c

What is meant by "egging poultry" is a type of Ducks are maintained or cultivated their eggs for use as human consumption, such as laying hens, ducks, and quail.

Paragraph (2)

Letter a


Letter b


Letter c

Nuisance Animal under this provision such as insects and rodents.

Letter d


Letter e


Paragraph (3)

Letter a


Letter b


Letter c

Personnel health and hygiene requirements in this provision include physically and mentally healthy, do not have open wounds, do not suffer from zoonotic diseases (eg tuberculosis and hepatitis), do not smoke while handling the product Animal (eg during milking and put milk), hand hygiene, and clean clothes.

Letter d


Letter e


Letter f


Letter g


Paragraph (4)

Letter a


Letter b


Letter c


Letter d

What is meant by "biological, chemical, and physical hazard" is a biological, chemical, and physical agent that enters and/or in Animal products feed Animal and potentially causes interference on human, animals, and the environment health.

Biological hazards such as microorganisms.

Chemical Hazards such as Animal drug and hormones residues, pesticide contamination, harmful food additives, heavy metals, and infectious protein (prion).

Physical hazards such as wood chips, broken glass, and bits of rock.

Letter e


Letter f


Letter g


Letter h


Article 6


Article 7


Article 8

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)


Paragraph (3)

Letter a

Animal health checking before being slaughtered (ante-mortem checking) was performed to ensure the slaughtering Animal is in healthy and feasible to be slaughtered.

Letter b


Letter c


Letter d


Letter e

Reducing cutting Animal suffering when being slaughtering is made in accordance with the rules of Animal Welfare such as slaughter Animal when Animal is ready to be slaughtered by using a sharp knife.

Letter f

Guarantee Halal slaughtering for the required in accordance with Islamic law, such as, include requirements for cutter person, Animals to be slaughtered, and procedures for halal slaughtering.

Terms Animals for slaughter must Animals belonged permissible to cut and is still alive at the time will be slaughtered. When the slaughter is done by fainting, then Animal still alive after fainting.

Terms of halal slaughter procedures such as read "Bismillahi Allahu Akbar" when will slaughter, Animals slaughtered at the neck using a sharp knife, clean, and does not rust, with a single movement without lifting the blade of the neck and make sure the blades can break or cut 3 (three) channels at once, namely respiratory tract (trachea/hulqum), esophagus (esophagus/mar'i), and vascular (wadajain).

Letter g

Medical checking of Animal offal and carcasses after the cutting Animal is slaughtered (post-mortem checking) is conducted to ensure the carcass, meat and offal are safe and feasible for human consumption.

Letter h


Paragraph (4)


Article 9


Article 10

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "inspection" is a checking by using sight and smell.

What is meant by "palpation" is a checking by using palpation.

What is meant by "incision" is a checking of the form of an incision using a sharp knife and clean.

Paragraph (2)

Letter a

The stamp or label the decision of the medical checking of carcasses or offal, applied to animals other than birds, such as cattle, goats, and pigs.

The stamp on the carcass and offal label performed by veterinarian or veterinary paramedic in charge of technical slaughterhouse.

Letter b

Meat health certificate shall contain at least the information about the origin of animals, slaughterhouse Animals, Animal health checking (ante-mortem), and the results of a medical checking offal and carcasses (post-mortem checking). This meat health certificate signed by the local Authorized Veterinary.

Paragraph (3)


Article 11

Letter a

Slaughtering for religious purposes such as slaughter qurban Animal on Idul-Adha.

Letter b

What is meant by "culture ceremony" is a ceremony associated with the tradition and culture of the people that use Animal as a symbol in the custom.

Letter c

Emergency cuts in provision aims to reduce the suffering of animals and limiting the spread of contagious animal diseases or Zoonosis and to utilize the relevant Animal flesh can be consumed by humans when based diagnostics Veterinarian declared safe and feasible.

Article 12


Article 13

Funerals for example mappasilaga tedong in Tanatoraja culture community and cremation ceremonies in the Hindu community in Bali.

The wedding ceremony such as a wedding ceremony on the Tapanuli.

Article 14

Emergency slaughtering is made after a diagnosis of Veterinarian.

Article 15

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)

What is meant by "person in charge of Animals" is the person assigned by the Animals owner to handle and slaughter Animals.

Article 16


Article 17

Cutting Animal criteria such as age, height, weight, sex, and reproductive status.

Article 18

Paragraph (1)

Letter a


Letter b


Letter c


Letter d


Letter e

What is meant by "separation of Halal Animal products from Animal products or other products that are not Halal" in this provision is for Animal origin food. The purpose of separation is to prevent the contamination of food animals are Halal origin of the material or product that is not Halal.

Letter f

What is meant by "guarantying room temperature of collection and sales places of Animal products that can prevent the proliferation microorganisms" in this provision is to maintain the quality and shelf life of fresh and processed products Animals, such as fresh and processed food that is not canned Animal origin such as cheese, sausage and nugget require storage temperatures below 7° C, or temperatures above 60° C for Animal origin food that has been cooked and ready to eat.

Letter g

What is meant by "separation of Animal products from Animal and other commodities are not Animal products" is for Animal origin food that is not packaged. The purpose of separation is to prevent the contamination of Animal origin foods are not packaged from biological, chemical, and/or physical hazards derived from non-Animal products such as vegetables, cosmetic products and non-food products.

Paragraph (2)


Article 19


Article 20


Article 21


Article 22


Article 23

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)


Paragraph (3)


Paragraph (4)

Fostering a maximum period of 5 (five) years meant that the Business Unit Animal products have sufficient time to gradually meet the requirements of a good way continuously.

Paragraph (5)


Article 24


Article 25


Article 26

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)

What is meant by "for circulation in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia" is circulated for trade purposes or for the benefit of non-commercial such as granting, exhibition, and research.

Article 27

Letter a


Letter b

Entered into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in this provision may be Import in the framework of trade and Import in the framework of non trade as the exchange for the purposes of research, exhibitions, grants, donations, grants, or passenger baggage.

Letter c

Released from the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in this provision may be Export in the framework of trade and Export in the framework of non trade as the exchange for the purposes of research, exhibitions, donations, grants, or passenger baggage.

Article 28


Article 29


Article 30

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)

Letter a


Letter b

What is meant by "risk analysis" is a technical decision-making process based on the Animal Health on scientific principles and rules of public disclosure through a series of stages, including hazard identification, risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication (socialization).

What is meant by "hazard identification" is the process of identifying biological (pathogens) and chemical hazards potential into Indonesia through importation of foreign policy for a commodity product Animals.

What is meant by "risk assessment" is a process of estimating risk due to hazards that goes into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, which can be measured in a qualitative, semi quantitative or quantitative.

What is meant by "risk management" is the process of selecting sanitary measures for risk control based on scientifically based risk assessment and implemented through technical policy in order to reduce the level of risk that could potentially carry a hazard through Import Veterinary products from abroad.

What is meant by "risk communication (socialization)" is the interactive exchange of information on risk among risk assessors, risk managers, and other related parties.

Paragraph (3)

Letter a


Letter b


Letter c

What is meant by "verification" is field inspection activities to ensure compatibility between the information submitted and the application in case of the health delivery system and security Animal Veterinary products in the origin country and the Business Unit.

Letter d


Letter e

What is meant by "an acceptable level of protection/ALOP" is the level of protection against biological and chemical hazards that can be managed by the importing country.

Paragraph (4)

What is meant by "Authorized Veterinary of Ministry" is located at the Authorized Veterinary ministries held government affairs in the field of veterinary public health and animal welfare.

Paragraph (5)


Paragraph (6)


Paragraph (7)


Paragraph (8)


Article 31


Article 32

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)

Letter a

Technical recommendation of the head of non ministerial government agencies that hold government affairs in the field of drug control and food, the provision is intended to ensure the safety of Animals origin processed foods that are not potentially carry zoonotic disease agents. As for the Animal origin processed food that could potentially carry zoonotic diseases recommendation of the head of non ministerial government agency that hold government affairs in the field of drug and food control can only be issued after a recommendation from the Minister.

Letter b

Technical Recommendations for Veterinary products other than Animals origin processed foods that do not carry the risk of potential of Zoonoses conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the Animal world health organization. For example, the canned processed meat importation from countries affected by mad cow disease (BSE) still has the risk of containing prion.

Paragraph (3)


Paragraph (4)


Article 33


Article 34

Paragraph (1)

Letter a

What is meant by "Veterinary Certificate" is a written statement signed by the Authorized Veterinary in the field of Veterinary Public Health Ministry regarding product safety assurance Animals, Animals include health status at the national, regional/territory, and Business Unit Animal origin products in accordance with the requirements of the state health importers, and assurance has been the implementation of a good home business unit, as well as the production process to ensure the product is free from Animal Zoonotic agents.

Letter b


Paragraph (2)


Paragraph (3)

Permit from the relevant minister for the purpose of export of Wildlife is a permit issued by the Management Authority of Conservation of Plants and Wildlife, which include the implementation of the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is a convention on the control of trade species of flora and fauna in order to conserve the species.

Article 35

Facilitation to Export Animal products outside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia carried out in order to improve the ability of business entity to meet the requirements set by the destination country.

Article 36


Article 37


Article 38


Article 39


Article 40


Article 41


Article 42


Article 43


Article 44


Article 45


Article 46


Article 47


Article 48

Letter a

Animal products physical condition such as the inspection of the condition of the color, smell, consistency, integrity of the product and packaging, as well as the temperature of the product.

Letter b

Documents in this provision such as checking of the Veterinary Certificate and Halal certificates for the required.

Letter c

Label in this provision, such as, the checking of the information about the product name, manufacturer, date of production and/or expiration dates, quantity and types of product specifications, as well as Halal for the required.

Article 49


Article 50

Paragraph (1)

Checking and Testing in this provision is part of a program of monitoring and surveillance of the dangers of biological, chemical, and physical as well as confirmation of the correspondence between the terms and conditions of Veterinary products.

Checking of Animal products in the laboratory conducted on the physical condition of the sample and the documents accompanying the sample.

Testing Animal products in the laboratory at least made to the chemical composition, contamination of microorganisms, and the residue on Animal products.

Paragraph (2)


Paragraph (3)


Article 51

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)


Paragraph (3)

What is meant by "guide laboratory competency" is to provide financing and technical assistance to implement a quality management system based on international standards of laboratory testing laboratory's quality system recently, such as ISO 17025 accreditation is the reference laboratory, includes the development of human resource competency lab validation testing method, provision of infrastructure and facilities in accordance with the Standards Testing and lab maintenance.

What is meant by "develop laboratory competency" is to improve the ability to perform testing both in terms of increasing the number of samples and the type of test.

Paragraph (4)


Paragraph (5)


Paragraph (6)


Article 52


Article 53

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)


Paragraph (3)


Paragraph (4)

What is meant by "Indonesia National Standard (SNI)" is the standard set by the National Agency for Standardization and available to the public nationally.

Article 54


Article 55


Article 56


Article 57

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "Animal origin fresh food" is food that has not undergone further processing other than chilling, freezing, heating, and curing.

Paragraph (2)


Paragraph (3)


Article 58


Article 59


Article 60


Article 61

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "risk analysis in the determination of Zoonosis that require priority in the control and mitigation" is an analysis that is based on the capacity of transmission, morbidity (morbidity), mortality (fatality rate), and/or mortality (mortality), health impact human, economic losses, and other considerations (geography, climatology, social, defense and security). Based on the risk analysis to determine whether the activities Zoonosis Control and Prevention are preferred to Animals such as brucellosis, or in humans such as toxoplasmosis, or jointly in humans and Animals such as Avian influenza and rabies.

Paragraph (2)

Letter a

Observations on Animal and Zoonotic Animal products such as salmonellosis in this provision arising from entrainment salmonella bacteria through food home Animals and anthrax associated with Animals infected skin.

Letter b


Letter c

Research and development institutions in this provision are the research and development of ministries, non ministerial government agencies, and universities.

Letter d


Paragraph (3)


Paragraph (4)


Article 62

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)

Other activities related Zoonoses in this provision, for example related to the destruction of Wildlife Zoonoses Control and Prevention.

Paragraph (3)


Article 63

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)

What is meant by "informed the result of Zoonoses observation to the Minister" is in the framework to combine the results of observations with Zoonoses observations in humans with observation of Zoonoses in Animals that inquiry for sources of transmission can be identified by the absence of data or information of Zoonoses source transmission to humans.

Paragraph (3)


Paragraph (4)


Paragraph (5)


Article 64


Article 65

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)


Paragraph (3)

What is meant by "abuse Zoonoses causative agent" is the use as a biological weapon, such as the causative agent for anthrax bioterrorism events.

Paragraph (4)


Article 66


Article 67

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)

Letter a

What is meant by "outbreak area" is an outbreak place of Zoonotic Animal populations and/or communities that the number of sufferers increased substantially in excess of the circumstances prevalent at the time and a particular region or the emergence of new cases in the region Zoonosis free.

Letter b

What is meant by "infected area" is area of particular cases of Zoonotic Animal populations that are vulnerable and/or human-based observations.

Letter c

What is meant by "buffer zone" is the area around and adjacent to the infected areas or areas of outbreaks within a certain radius, defined by type of illness to be conducted control measures to prevent further spread of the disease-free areas.

Letter d

Free area in this provision can be divided into areas historically free and free area after the control and prevention efforts.

Free area is an area that historically has never found a case or Zoonotic agents.

Free areas after various efforts to control and prevention is an area that originally contained the case or Zoonotic agents but based on observations within a specified time is no longer the case or Zoonosis agent.

Paragraph (3)


Article 68

What is meant by "risk management" is an attempt to suppress or reduce the risk to an acceptable level or equal to the limit of acceptable risk (appropriate level of protection/ALOP), for example, Animals as a source of disease control (reservoir), the identification of risk areas Zoonoses Outbreak high against the emergence and identification of risky practices and behaviors spread and/or spread Zoonosis.

Article 69

Paragraph (1)

Letter a

What is meant by "closure of the outbreak area" is the prohibition turnover and sick and vulnerable Animal Veterinary products associated with outbreaks and from areas that are designated as regional outbreaks.

Letter b


Letter c


Letter d


Letter e


Letter f


Letter g


Letter h

Stopping of production and Circulation of Animal Products in this provision include the temporary stopping of slaughterhouse animals are infected or contaminated by Zoonotic agents, withdrawal and destruction of Animal products that have been circulated by considering the risk of transmission to humans, animals, and/or the environment, as well as negative impacts will appear.

Letter i


Letter j


Letter k


Paragraph (2)


Article 70

Letter a


Letter b


Letter c


Letter d


Letter e

What is meant by "vector" is Animal Animals can carry infectious germs and spread to animals and/or humans, such as flies, mosquitoes, and ticks.

Letter f


Letter g

Restriction of circulation of Animal Products in this provision includes the withdrawal and destruction of Animal products that have been circulated.

Letter h


Letter i


Letter j


Article 71

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)

Based on provisions of the regulation in the field of bio natural resources conservation such as in handling a Zoonosis of priorities within the habitat, especially in the conservation area, the implementation of countermeasures Zoonoses in the field must comply with the terms of the conservation of ecosystems, species and genetic and should be under the coordination of the authorities in the management of Wildlife species and conservation areas.

Destruction action can not be guaranteed for Wildlife, especially for species that are threatened with extinction. Therefore, in the implementation of depopulation and euthanasia species in the conservation area for endangered species or not, considering the functions and values that are important in the ecosystem and for the benefit of mankind both now and in generations to come, as well as considering the possibility of many new diseases emerging (new emerging diseases) from Wildlife, the Zoonosis Control and Prevention has to do with the principle of prudence as mandated by the Law on the Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems.

Article 72


Article 73


Article 74

Paragraph (1)

Emergency readiness to anticipate emerging and widespread outbreaks Zoonoses:

a. prioritized control and handling;

b. potentially be a priority in the control and mitigation; and

c. that has not been there in a territory or in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

Paragraph (2)

Related agencies in this provision such as ministries, non ministerial government agencies that conduct research and development, and universities.

Paragraph (3)


Paragraph (4)

What is meant by "simulated" is trialing rapid response measures when an outbreak to be done by each of the stakeholders in accordance with the role and authority.

Stakeholders in this provision include the Authorized Veterinary in the provinces and districts/municipalities, ministries, non ministerial government agencies, universities, farmer associations, professional associations and non-governmental organizations working in the field of Animal Health.

Article 75

The evaluation is intended to ensure the effectiveness and understand emergency actions guidelines.

Article 76

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)

What is meant by "certain circumstances" is a state where outbreaks appear Zoonosis beyond that has been designated as a priority Zoonoses.

Paragraph (3)


Paragraph (4)


Article 77

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)


Paragraph (3)


Paragraph (4)

What is meant by "Animals for special purposes" are Animals that have been trained specifically to be used for the benefit of the tasks and functions of the Armed Forces of Indonesia, Indonesian National Police, and the ministry which held government affairs in the field of customs, such as the use of sniffer dogs narcotics and psychotropic substances, or the use of horses in the cavalry.

Article 78


Article 79


Article 80


Article 81


Article 82


Article 83


Article 84

Paragraph (1)

Letter a


Letter b

People who handle animal in conditions such as cultivators Animals, Animal transporters, cage workers, interpreters hamstrung, fainting equipment operators, breeders, researchers who use Animal experiments, and the people who use the services of Animals.

Letter c

Animal care facility owners in this provision as the zoo, parks conservation (conservation park/area), and Animal shelters (animal rescue center) either a temporary and permanent shelter, whether commercial or non-profit.

Paragraph (2)


Paragraph (3)


Article 85


Article 86


Article 87


Article 88


Article 89


Article 90


Article 91


Article 92

Letter a

Animal use and exploit nature beyond the capabilities of this provision such use and exploit as Animal Laboratory Animals and Animal services (such as Animals tensile and Animal load).

Letter b


Letter c


Letter d

Beyond the limits in this provision, for example, employs a young Animal are not old enough, sick Animal, Animal disability, Animal bunting, or Animal/cattle naturally preferred not to be used physical force, such as the utilization of sheep to pull carts.

Letter e

Utilizing Animal body parts or organs for medical purposes other than the provision of organs such as the use of animals are believed to be efficacious as a medicine without scientific proof.

Article 93


Article 94


Article 95

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "Animal slaughtering" is slaughtered at the neck by way of cut three channels namely respiratory tract, bloodstream, and urinary eat. Butchering The purpose is generally to accelerate the releasing of blood completely and/or to meet the requirements of a particular religion such as slaughtering Halal in Islam and Judaism kosher slaughter for meat Animals to be consumed by humans like cattle, sheep, and chickens.

What is meant by "murder Animal" Animals are lethal ways including heart pierced Animal pig meat will be consumed, breaks collar bone in a chicken in order to control the actions and control of infectious diseases Animals, Animal shooting game, giving toxic gases or other materials to management of population control in order to control and prevention of infectious diseases Animals.

Paragraph (2)


Article 96


Article 97

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "Animal laboratory" Animals are reared specifically as Animal experiments, research, testing, teaching, and producing biomedical materials or developed into Animal models for human diseases, such as mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, monkeys, and monkeys.

Paragraph (2)


Article 98


Article 99

Paragraph (1)

Letter a

Unnecessary suffering going on in this provision, for example, to maintain the life of cattle or horses who have an accident or a broken leg, because the function of the foot Animals will not be back to normal while the Centre will always have pain.

Letter b

What is meant by "Animals body mutilated" is the slaughtering procedure or taking Animal body parts such sensitive tissues or bone structure of the animal that causes suffering on animals other than for the purpose of medical treatment, for example by cutting the ears and tail pieces on a particular breed.

Letter c

Giving materials cause toxicity, disability, injury and/or death on animals in this provision, for example the provision of prescription drugs without veterinarian supervision.

Letter d

Animals complained in this provision include maintaining and train, organize, inform, and manage facilities for the activities complained of Animals.

Paragraph (2)


Article 100


Article 101


Article 102


Article 103


Article 104


Article 105

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)

Letter a

What is meant by "environmental sanitation" is the action to eliminate or suppress the growth and spread of pathogenic microorganisms in finding the location of carcasses of animals are dying due to Natural Disasters.

Letter b


Article 106


Article 107


Article 108


Article 109


Article 110


Article 111


Article 112
