to Indonesian

NUMBER 22 OF 1983





a. that veterinary public health has an important role in preventing transmission of zoonosa and securing the production of animal origin foods and other animal origin ingredients, for the benefit of public health;

b. that as the implementation of Article 19 and Article 21 of Law Number 6 of 1967 it is necessary to regulate veterinary public health by Government Regulation.

In view of:

1. Article 5 paragraph (2) of the Constitution 1945;

2. Law Number 6 of 1967 concerning Basic Provisions of Husbandry and Animal Health (Statute Book Number 10 of 1967, Supplement to Statute Book Number 2824);

3. Law Number 5 of 1974 concerning the Principles of Regional Governance (Statute Book Number 38 of 1974, Supplement to Statute Book Number 3037);

4. Government Regulation Number 17 of 1973 concerning Creation, Inventory, Distribution, and Use of Vaccines, Sera and Biological Diagnostic Materials for Animals (Statute Book Number 23 of 1973);

5. Government Regulation Number 15 of 1977 concerning Rejection, Prevention, Eradication, and Treatment of Animal Diseases (Statute Book Number 20 of 1977, Supplement to Statute Book Number 3101);

6. Government Regulation Number 16 of 1977 concerning Livestock Business (Statute Book Number 21 of 1977, Supplement to Statute Book Number 3102).


To stipulate:



Article 1

In this Government Regulation the meaning of:


Article 2

(1) Each cutting animal will to be cut must be checked by an authorized inspector on its healthy.

(2) The types of cutting animal are further determined by the Minister.

(3) Slaughtering of the cutting animal shall be carried out in slaughterhouses or other slaughtering place determined by authorized official.

(4) Slaughtering of cutting animal for the need of family, and cultural ceremonies as well as emergency slaughter cattle can be carried out notwithstanding the provisions as intended in paragraph (3) of this Article, with the prior permission of Regent/Mayor Head of the Second Level Region or appointed official.

(5) The requirements of slaughterhouses, workers, the implementation of the cutting, and how health checks and slaughtering must meet the provisions are determined by the Minister.

Article 3

(1) Any person or entity conducting:

(2) Procedures to obtain a slaughterhouses business permit is determined by:

Article 4

(1) Meat of animal that has been cut must immediately checked its health by an authorized inspector.

(2) Meat that pass in the checking as intended in paragraph (1) of this Article, can be circulated after the first sealed or stamped by the authorized inspector.

(3) The provisions as intended in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article, and ways of handling and the requirements of selling place shall be further regulated by the Minister.

(4) Any person or entity is prohibited to distribute the meat not comes from slaughterhouses as intended in Article 2 paragraph (3) of this Regulation, unless the meat comes from slaughterhouses as intended in Article 2 paragraph (4) of this Government Regulation.

(5) Any person or entity is prohibited to sell unhealthy meat.

Article 5

(1) Every dairy farm shall meet the requirements of dairy cattle health, housing, environmental health, milk rooms, dairy shelter, and tools used and the water situation in relation to milk production.

(2) The requirements for people dairy farm business is governed separately by the Minister.

(3) Workers who handle the milk production, must meet the following requirements:

Article 6

Milking and milk handling should:

Article 7

(1) Any person or entity is prohibited from distributing milk that does not meet the requirements set by the Minister.

(2) Any person or entity who distributes milk must follow the ways of handling, storage, transportation, and sale of milk that are determined by the Minister.

(3) The Minister determines eligibility requirements of business places and the places to sale milk.

Article 8

Each pig farm business must meet the requirements of veterinary public health of pigs, environmental health requirements, and housing are determined by the Minister or appointed official.

Article 9

Each poultry farm business must meet the requirements of veterinary public health of poultry, the environmental health requirements, and housing are determined by the Minister or appointed official.

Article 10

(1) Any person or entity is prohibited from distributing eggs that do not meet the requirements are determined by the Minister.

(2) Any person or entity distributes the eggs must follow the way of storage and transport of eggs are determined by the Minister.

Article 11

Any business or activities of the preservation of animal origin foodstuffs and results of that operations or activities must meet the terms of veterinary public health are determined by the Minister.

Article 12

Minister sets a maximum limit of residue content of biological materials, anti biotic, and other drugs in animal origin foodstuffs.

Article 13

Any effort of collection, storage, storage, and preservation of animal origin ingredients must comply with veterinary public health are determined by the Minister.

Article 14

(1) The control implementation of veterinary public health of slaughterhouses, dairies companies, poultry companies, pork companies, meat, milk and eggs companies, the preservation of foodstuffs of animal origin, food of animal origin are preserved and materials of animal origin is carried by the Regent/Mayor Head of the Second Level Region, with the exception of slaughterhouses as intended in Article 3 paragraph (1) a and b.

(2) Regent/Mayor Head of Second Level Region determines implementation procedures for the control of the implementation of veterinary public health with attention to the provisions of the Minister.

(3) Veterinary Public Health Control related technical hygiene and sanitation conducted by the Government Veterinarians.

(4) Government Veterinarians as intended in paragraph (3) of this Article is appointed by the Minister.

Article 15

(1) Control on the implementation of the provisions relating to veterinary public health interests of a Second Level Region and inter Second Level Region within a First Level Region, is conducted by the Head of the Provincial Governor or the appointed official.

(2) Control on the implementation of the provisions of veterinary public health relating to interest of inter Province or First Level Region and the export purpose is made by the Minister or appointed official.


Article 16

(1) In the framework to control meat, eggs, food of animal origin are preserved, and ingredients of animal origin if it is deemed necessary to do the testing.

(2) In the framework to control the health of milk, testing can be done anytime.

Article 17

Minister or appointed official determines technical guidelines for testing.

Article 18

(1) Testing of meat, milk, and eggs and other ingredients of animal origin is carried out by the Second Level Region Government.

(2) Second Level Government further regulates the implementation of the testing of foodstuffs of animal origin and ingredients of animal origin are circulated in the area of their respective authorities.

(3) In conducting the authorities Regional Government should take attention to technical guidance of testing issued by the Minister.

Article 19

Minister regulate the testing of foodstuffs of animal origin are preserved.

Article 20

(1) The testing as intended in Article 18 paragraph (1) of this Regulation, conducted in the laboratory, which is the completeness of the Second Level Region Husbandry Department.

(2) If the testing as intended in paragraph (1) of this Article can not be carried out by a laboratory which is the completeness of the Second Level Region Husbandry Department, the Minister appoints authorized agency or institution to do testing.


Article 21

Minister shall determine the specific regions within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, as an area free of rabies.

Article 22

(1) To maintain a rabies free areas, any person or entity is prohibited to enter dogs, cats, monkeys, and other wild animals that are suspected can transmit rabies:

(2) The Minister may give exemption from the provisions as intended in paragraph (1) of this Article only for the public interest, public order, and defense security.

Article 23

Minister governs terms and procedures on the:

Article 24

(1) The prevention and eradication of rabies in dogs, cats, monkeys, and other wild animals that are suspected can transmit rabies shall be further regulated by the Minister.

(2) The implementation of prevention and eradication of rabies organized in cooperation with other institutions.

Article 25

Without prejudice to Article 22, Article 23 and Article 24 of this Regulation, prevention and eradication of rabies in dogs under the authority of the Army Forces of the Republic of Indonesia conducted by the Ministry of Defense and Security.


Article 26

The Minister shall determine the types of zoonosa that must be held prevention and eradication.

Article 27

(1) Preventing and eradication of zoonosa as intended in this Government Regulation is the obligation of the Government and carried out jointly with agencies that directly or indirectly concerned with the public welfare and interest.

(2) The Minister shall determine the implementation direction of zoonosa eradication.


Article 28

(1) Any person who violates the provisions of Article 2 paragraph (3), paragraph (4), and paragraph (5), Article 3 paragraph (1), Article 4 paragraph (1) and paragraph (4), Article 5 paragraph (1), Article 8, Article 9, Article 11 and Article 13 of this Regulation shall be punished with imprisonment for maximum 6 (six) months and/or a maximum fine of Rp 50, 000 (Fifty thousand rupiah).

(2) Any person who violates the provisions of Article 4 paragraph (5), Article 7 paragraph (1), and Article 10 paragraph (1) of this Regulation shall be punished base on the provisions of the effective Regulation.


Article 29

(1) Things have not been sufficiently governed in this Government Regulation shall be further regulated by the Minister.

(2) The Regulations regulate veterinary public health that already exist and are valid prior to issuance of this Regulation, shall remain in force prior to the implementing regulations of this Government Regulation are issued.


Article 30

This Government Regulation shall come into force on the date of promulgation.

For public cognizance, this Government Regulation shall be promulgated by placing it in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
On June 13, 1983