to Indonesian

NO. 7/1996



Considering :

In view of :

Article 5 paragraph (1), article 20 paragraph (1), article 27 paragraph (2) and article 33 of the 1945 Constitution;

With the Approval of the


To stipulate :



Article 1

In this Act referred to as:

Article 2

The food development is implemented to fulfill the basic demand of man, which provides a fair and equal benefit based on independence and not contradictory to the conviction of the community.

Article 3

The objectives of the regulation, development and supervision of food are :


Part One
Food Sanitation

Article 4

(1) the government shall determine the sanitation requirements in the food production activities or process, storage, transportation and or circulation;

(2) the requirements as referred to in paragraph (1) constitute the minimum requirements which must be met and are determined and applied gradually with due observance of the readiness as well as the needs of the food system .

Article 5

(1) the facilities and or infrastructure which is used directly or indirectly in the food production activities or process, storage, transportation and or circulation must fulfill the sanitation requirements;

(2) the implementation of the food production activities or process, storage, transportation and or circulation and the use of the means and infrastructures, as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted in accordance with the sanitation requirements .

Article 6

Any person responsible in the executive of food production activities or process, storage, transportation and or circulation shall :

Article 7

Individual persons who are directly handling and or are directly within the environment of the food production activities or process, storage, transportation and or circulation must fulfill the sanitation requirements.

Article 8

Any person is prohibited from performing food production activities or process, storage, transportation and circulation in a condition, which does not meet the sanitation requirements.

Article 9

The provisions as referred to in Article 4, Article 5, Article 6 and Article 7, shall further be regulated with a Government Regulation.

Part Two
Food Additives

Article 10

(1) any person producing food to be circulated is prohibited from using whatever materials as food additives which are declared as prohibited or exceeding the maximum threshold limit which has been determined;

(2) The government shall further determine the materials, which are prohibited, and or which can be use as food additives in the food production activities or process, as well as the maximum threshold limit as referred to in paragraph (1).

Article 11

The materials which will be used as food additive but of which the impact on human health is not yet known must first be examined as regards its safety and its in the production activities or process of food which is to be circulated shall be carried out after an approval has been obtained from the Government.

Article 12

The provisions of the provisions referred to in article 10, article 11, shall be regulated further with a Government Regulation.

Part Three
Genetic Engineering and Food Irradiation

Article 13

(1) Any person who produces food or uses raw material, food additives and or other auxiliary material in the production activity or process of food which is produced from genetic engineering, must first have the safety of the food for human health examined before being circulated.

The government shall establish the requirements and the principles of research, development and the use of genetic engineering method in the food production activity or process and lays down the requirements for the testing of food which is produced from the genetic engineering process.

Article 14

(1) Irradiation in the food production activities and process shall be conducted based on a permit of the Government;

(2) The licensing process for the execution of the food production activities and or process by using irradiation techniques and or method as referred to in paragraph (1), must meet he requirements on health, waste handling and overcoming of the danger of radioactive material to guarantee the food security, work safety and environmental preservation.

Article 15

The provisions as referred to in article 13 and article 14, shall be further determined with a Government Regulation.

Part Four
Food Package

Article 16

(1) Any person producing food to be circulated is prohibited from using any material as food packing which is declared prohibited and or which may release contaminants which are harmful or endangering human health;

(2) The packing of circulated food shall be carried out according to a procedure which could prevent damage and or contamination;

(3) The government shall determine the materials which are prohibited to be used as the packing of food, and the procedures of packing certain food which will be sold.

Article 17

The materials which will be used as food packing, but of which the impact on human health is not yet known, must first be examined as regards its safety, and its use for food which to be circulated shall be carried out after an approval has been obtained from the Government.

Article 18

(1) Any person is prohibited from opening the final packing of food to repacked and traded;

(2) The provisions as referred to in paragraph (1) does not apply to food of which the procurement is in large quantities and is customarily repacked in small quantities for further sale.

Article 19

The provisions referred to in article 16, article 17 and article 18, shall be further regulated with a Government Regulation.

Part Five
Food Quality Assurance and Laboratory Examination

Article 20

(1) Any person who produces food for trading must establish a quality warranty system, in line with the type of food produced;

(2) With regard to certain food sold, the Government may determine the requirements that said food be tested in the laboratory fists before circulation;

(3) The laboratory testing as referred to in paragraph (2), shall be carried out in a laboratory which is appointed by and or which has obtained an accreditation from the Government;

(4) The quality assurance system and the laboratory testing requirements as referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be determined and applied in stages, by paying attention to the readiness and the need of the food system;

(5) The provisions as referred to in paragraph (1), paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) shall be further determined with a Government Regulation.

Part Six
Contaminated Food

Article 21

Any person is prohibited from circulating :

Article 22

To supervise and prevent the contamination of food, the Government:

Article 23

The provisions referred to in article 21 and article 22, shall be further regulated with a Government Regulation.


Part One
Food Quality

Article 24

(1) The government shall determine the quality standard of food;

(2) With regard to certain food traded, the Government may enforce and obligate the fulfillment of the food quality standard which is determined based on the provisions as referred to in paragraph (1);

Article 25

(1) The government shall determine the requirements quality certification of food sold;

(2) The requirements on food quality certification as referred to in paragraph (1), shall be applied in phases, based on the types of food, by observing the readiness and needs of the food system.

Article 26

Any person is prohibited to trade in :

Part Two
Food Nutrition

Article 27

(1) The government shall determine and implement a policy in the field of nutrition for the improvement of the nutrition status of the community;

(2) To increase the nutrition content of certain processed food sold, the Government may determine special requirements concerning the food composition;

(3) In case of shortage and or decrease in the nutrition status of the community, the Government may determine the requirements for the improvement or enrichment of the nutrition content of certain circulated food;

(4) Any person producing food as referred to in paragraph (2) and (3) must fulfill the requirements on nutrition which have been determin.

Article 28

(1) Any person producing certain processed food to be sold, must carry out the food processing procedure which could hamper the process of decreasing or losing the nutrition content in the food raw materials used;

(2) Certain processed food and the food processing procedure as referred to in paragraph (1) will be further regulated by the Government.

Article 29

The provisions as referred to in article 24, article 25, article 26, article 27 and article 28, shall be further regulated with a Government Regulation.


Article 30

(1) Any person producing or importing into the territory of Indonesia food which is packed for sale is obligated to place a label on, within and or at the packing of the food;

(2) The label as referred to in paragraph (1) shall at least contain information concerning:

(3) In addition to the information as referred to in paragraph (2), the Government may determine other information which must or in prohibited from being mentioned on food labels.

Article 31

(1) The information on the label as referred to in article 30 shall be distinctly and clearly written or printed or shown so that it can easily be understood by the community;

(2) The information on the label as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be written or printed in the Indonesian language, Arabic capthers and Latin letters;

(3) The use of foreign termas, other than as referred to in paragraph (2), may be conducted as long as there is no equivalence, its equivalence cannot be created or it is used for the purpose of the food trade abroad.

Article 32

Any person is prohibited from replacing, relabelling or exchanging the date, month and year of expiry of the food circulated.

Article 33

(1) Every label and or advertisement concerning food which is sold must mention information concerning the food correctly and not misleading;

(2) Any person is prohibited form giving information or statement concerning food which is traded through, in, and or with a label or advertisement when the information or statement concerned is incorrect and is misleading;

(3) The government shall regulate, supervise and the measure which are needed, in order that an advertisement concerning food which is sold does not contain information which may be misleading.

Article 34

(1) Any person declaring in on a label or in an advertisement that the food sold is in accordance with the requirements of a religion or belief, shall be responsible for the correctness of the statement based on said conditions of the religion or belief;

(2) The label concerning certain processed food which is sold for babies, children below 5 years, and pregnant or nursing mothers must contain information concerning ints designation, the manner of using or other required information regarding the impact of the food on human health.

Article 35

The provisions as referred to in article 30, article 31, article 33 and article 34, shall be further regulated with a Government Regulation.


Article 36

(1) Any food which is imported into the territory of Indonesia to be circulated must fulfill the provisions as referred to in this Act and its executive regulation;

(2) Any person is prohibited from importing food into the territory of Indonesia and or circulating them in the territory of Indonesia, food which is imported into the territory of Indonesia if said food does not fulfill the provisions as referred to in this Act and in the its executive regulations.

Article 37

On food which is imported into the territory of Indonesia as referred to in article 36, the Government may determine the requirement that :

Article 38

Any person importing food into the territory of Indonesia to be circulated shall be responsible for the safety, quality and or nutrition of said food.

Article 39

The Government may determine a requirement, that food which is exported from the territory of Indonesia to be circulated be tested and or examined first from the point of safety, quality, label requirements and or nutrition of the food.

Article 40

The provisions as referred to in article 37, article 38 and article 39, shall further be regulated with a Government Regulation.


Article 41

(1) A business entity which produces processed food to be circulated and or an individual person with in a business entity who is given the responsibility for the progress of the said business shall be responsible for the safety of the food which it produces, for the health of another person who consumes said food.

(2) Individuals whose health is disturbed or the heir / meioses of a person who passed away as a direct consequence of consuming processed food which has been circulated is entitled to file a complaint for identification against the business entity or the individual with in the business entity as referred to in paragraph (1);

(3) In case it is proven, that the relative processed food which is circulated and consumed, contains material which can harm and or endanger human health or other materials which are prohibited, then the business entity and or individual person within the business entity as referred to in paragraph (1) is obligated to indemnity all losses which have actually been caused;

(4) Besides the provisions as referred to in paragraph (3) in case a business entity and or an individual person in a business entity can prove that said matter is not caused by its/his fault or negligence, the business entity and or individual person in a business entity is not obligated to indemnify;

(5) The amount of indemnification as referred to in paragraph (3), shall be maximum RP 500.000.000,00 (five hundred million rupiahs) for any person whose health is harmed, or the death caused.

Article 42

In case the domicile the party as referred to in article 41 paragraph (1) is not known or the party is not domiciled in Indonesia, then the provisions of Article 41 paragraph (3), and paragraph (5) shall be applied to the person(s), who has/have circulated and/ or imported the food into the territory of Indonesia.

Article 43

(1) In case the loss which it has caused involves a large material loss and or considerable victims, the government is authorized to file a claim for indemnification as referred to in article 41 paragraph (2);

(2) The claim for indemnification as referred to in paragraph (1), shall be filed for the interests of the person, who has suffered a loss and or disaster.

Article 44

The provisions as referred to in article 42 and article 43, shall further be regulated with a Government Regulation.


Article 45

(1) The government jointly with the community shall be responsible for the realization of the food resilience;

(2) In the framework of realizing the food resilience as referred to in paragraph (1), the government arranges the regulation, promotion, control and supervision on the sufficient food availability, both its quantity and quality, safety, nutritious, diversified equally distributed and with in reach of the purchasing power of the community.

Article 46

In the implementation of the provisions as referred to in article 45, the government shall:

Article 47

(1) The national food reserves as referred to in article 46 leter a, shall consist of :

(2) The government food reserve shall be determined periodically, by taking into account the real level of demand for food of the community and the availability food of, and by anticipating the occurrence of food shortage and or an emergency situation;

(3) In the effort to realize the national food reserve as referred to in paragraph (1), the government shall:

Article 48

In order to prevent and or overcome upheavals of certain foodstuff prices, which may harm the food resilience, the Government shall take the required measures in the framework of controlling the said food prices.

Article 49

(1) In Government shall carry out promotion covering the efforts to :

(2) The provisions as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be further regulated by the Government.

Article 50

The provisions as referred to in article 45, 46, 47, 48 and article 49, shall be further regulated with a Government Regulation.


Article 51

The community has the opportunity to participate as extensively as possible in realizing the protection of individuals consuming food, in accordance with the provisions of this Act and its executive regulations as well as the other legislative regulations in force.

Article 52

In the framework of improving and upgrading of the food system, the community may submit problems, inputs and or the solution method on matters in the field of food.


Article 53

(1) To supervise the adherence to the provisions of this Act, the Government is authorized to carry out an investigation in case there is a suspicious that a legal violation has taken place in the field of food;

(2) In performing the function of examination as referred to in paragraph (1), the Government is authorized to :

(3) The Investigating Official shall be provided with a warrant to carry out the examination as referred to in paragraph (2);

(4) In case based on the results of the examination as referred to in paragraph (2) it is reasonable to be suspected that it constitutes a criminal Act in the field food, then an investigation by an investigator shall immediately be carried out based on the legislative regulations in force;

(5) The provisions as referred to in paragraph (1), (2) and (3) shall be further stipulated by a Government Regulation.

Article 54

(1) In the implementation of the supervisory function as referred to in article 53, the Government has the authority to take administrative measures on the violations of the provisions of this Act;

(2) The administrative sanction as referred to in paragraph (1), may be in the form of :

(3) The provisions as referred to in paragraph (1) and (2) shall be further regulated with a Government Regulation.


Article 55

Whomever intentionally:

Article 56

Whomever because of his / her negligence :

Article 57

The criminal charge of punishment on the violation as referred to in article 55 letters a, b, c and d and article 56 shall be increased with one fourth if it has caused harm to the health of humnas or increased with one third if it has caused death.

Article 58

Whomever :

Article 59

Whomever :


Article 60

(1) The Government may submit part of the affairs in the field of food to the Regional Administration, in accordance with the legislative regulations in force;

(2) The Government may assign the Regional Administration to carry out the task of assistance in the field of food;

(3) The provisions as referred to in paragraph shall be further determined with a by Government Regulation.


Article 61

(1) In the event of a very urgent food shortage condition, the Government may temporarily put aside the provisions of this Act on the conditions of food safety, label, quality and or food nutrition requirements;

(2) The provisions as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented white paying attention to the safety and the safeguarding of the community's health.

Article 62

When considered necessary, the Government may designate an agency to coordinate the implementation of this Act.

Article 63

This Act and the its executive regulations does not apply to food produced and consumed by household circles.


Article 64

At the time this Act comes into force, all legislative regulations on food which are already in existence are declared to remain in force as long as they are not in contradiction with this Act.


Article 65

This Act shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.

In order that everyone shall take cognizance, it is ordered to promulgate this Act by its placement in the State Gazette of The Republic Indonesia.

Legalized in Jakarta
On November 4, 1996


Promulgated in Jakarta
On November 4, 1996
