Regulation of Director General of Customs and Excise No. P-19/BC/2006 concerning second amendment of Regulation of director general of Customs and Excise No. p-10/BC/2006 concerning process of delivery and administration of notice of plan arrival of means of transportation, inward manifest means of transportation, and outward manifest means of transportation.

Process of delivery and administration of notice of inward manifest manually

A. Transporter:

1. Preparing Inward Manifest with data elements of at least:

a) For Means of Transportation by sea:

b) For Means of Transportation by air:

c) For Means of Transportation by land:

2. Performing Payment State Non Tax Revenue (PNBP) according to the fee set upon the manifest services through the Foreign currency bank of perception, Customs office, or PT. Pos Indonesia and receive Payment slip;

3. Delivering Inward Manifest with attachment of Payment slip of PNBP to Officers who manage the manifest at the local Customs Office;

4. Receives slip of receiving in the form of BCF 1.1 that contains numbers and date of registration of BC 1.1.

B. Officers who manage the Manifest:

1. Receives Inward Manifest from transporter and slip of Payment of PNBP from transporter;

2. Observing completeness and truth of data elements of Inward Manifest;

3. Bookkeeping of Inward Manifest into Customs Recording Book (BCP of BC 1.1) and is required to fill in the number and date of registration of BC 1.1 at the Inward Manifest;

4. Giving slip of receipt of BCF 1.1 by filling in the number and date of BC 1.1 and deliver it to the transporter;

5. Observing goods descriptions in BC 1.1 and recording number of post of BC 1.1 which goods descriptions is not clear;

6. Performing closing of post BC 1.1;

7. Observing and processing posts of BC 1.1 that are still open and remove post BC 1.1 that are still open into BCF1.5 if the dumping period has exceeded:

8. Delivers BCF 1.5 to the Officers who manage the Dumping Site of Customs (TPP).




Regulation of director general of Customs and Excise No. P-19/BC/2006 concerning second amendment of regulation of director general Customs and Excise No. P-10/BC/2006 concerning process of delivery and administration of notice of plan arrival of means of transportation, inward manifest means of transportation, and outward manifest means of transportation

Process of delivery and administration of notice of inward manifest through the electronic data storing media

A. Transporter:

1. Preparing Inward Manifest by using manifest/transportation module application program with data elements of at least:

a) For Means of Transportation by sea:

b) For Means of Transportation by air:

c) For Means of Transportation by land:

2. Performing Payment PNBP according to the fee set upon the manifest services through the Foreign currency bank of perception, Customs office, or PT Pos Indonesia and receive Payment slip;

3. Printing Inward Manifest introduction sheet and performing data transfer Inward Manifest in Electronic Data Storing Media;

4. Delivers Electronic Data Storing Media that contains Inward Manifest data and the introduction sheet with attachment of Payment slip of PNBP to the Officers who manage the manifest at the local Customs Office;

5. Receives slip of receiving in the form of BCF 1.1 that contains numbers and date of registration of BC 1.1.

B. Officers who manage the Manifest:

1. Receives Electronic Data Storing Media that contains Inward Manifest data and payment slip of PNBP from transporter;

2. Observes conditions of Electronic Data Storing Media and data that contained in it;

3. Performing data transfer Inward Manifest from Electronic Data Storing Media into the Manifest Service Application System at Customs office;

4. Delivers receipts in the form of BCF 1.1 by filling in the number and date BC 1.1 and delivers to the transporter;

5. Observing goods descriptions in BC 1.1 and recording number post BC 1.1 which goods descriptions are not clear;

6. Performing closing of post BC 1.1 with document settlement of obligation of customs in the event of closing of post is still done manually (data entry);

7. Delivers BCF 1.5 to the Officers who manage the Dumping Site of Customs (TPP).

C. Manifest Service Application System at Customs office:

1. Receives and observes completeness of data (validation) of Inward Manifest;

2. Delivers number and date of registration of BC 1.1;

3. Printing receipt of registration by filling in the number and date of registration of BC 1.1;

4. Performing closing of post BC 1.1;

5. Observing and processing posts BC 1.1 that are still open and removing post BC 1.1 that are still open into BCF1.5 if the dumping period has exceeded:




Regulation of Director General of Customs and Excise No. P-19/BC/2006 concerning second amendment of regulation director general Customs and Excise No. P-10/BC/2006 concerning process of delivery and administration of notice of plan arrival of means of transportation, inward manifest means of transportation, and outward manifest means of transportation

Process of delivery and administration of notice of inward manifest through the system of EDI

A. Transporter:

1. Preparing Inward Manifest by using manifest/transportation module application program, with data elements of at least:

a) For Means of Transportation by sea:

b) For Means of Transportation by air:

c) For Means of Transportation by land:

2. Performing Payment PNBP according to the fee set upon the manifest services through the Foreign currency bank of perception, Customs office, or PT Pos Indonesia and receive Payment slip;

3. Delivering Inward Manifest to Customs Office that is visited through the EDP system;

4. Delivers payment slip of PNBP to the Officers who manage the Manifest at Customs office;

5. Receives receipt of response of Inward Manifest that has been given number and date of registration of BC 1.1

B. Manifest Service Application System at Customs office:

1. Receives and observes completeness of data (validation) of Inward Manifest that is delivered through the EDI system by the transporter;

2. Delivers slip of receiving response of Inward Manifest by giving numbers and date of registration of BC 1.1;

3. Performing closing of post BC 1.1;

4. Observing and processing posts of BC 1.1 that are still open and removing post BC 1.1 into BCF 1.5 if the period of dumping has exceeded:

C. Officers who manage the Manifest:

1. Observing goods descriptions in BC 1.1 and recording number post BC 1.1 which goods descriptions are not clear;

2. Performing closing of post BC 1.1 with document settlement of obligation of customs in the event of closing of post is still done manually (data entry);

3. Deliver BCF 1.5 to the Officers who manage the Dumping Site of Customs (TPP).




Regulation of Director General Customs and Excise No. P-19/BC/2006 concerning second amendment of Regulation of Director General of Customs and Excise No. P-10/BC/2006 concerning process of delivery and administration of notice of plan arrival of means of transportation, inward manifest means of transportation, and outward manifest means of transportation

Process of delivery and administration notice of outward manifest manually.

A. Transporter:

1. Preparing Outward Manifest with data elements of at least:

a) For Means of Transportation by sea:

b) For Means of Transportation by air:

c) For Means of Transportation by land:

2. Performing Payment of PNBP according to the fee set upon the manifest services through the Foreign currency bank of perception, Customs office, or PT Pos Indonesia and receive Payment slip;

3. Deliver Outward Manifest with attachment of Payment slip of PNBP to the Officers who manage the Manifest at Customs office;

4. Receives receipts that have been given number and date of registration of BC 1.1.

B. Officers who manage the Manifest:

1. Receives Outward Manifest from transporter and payment slip of PNBP from transporter;

2. Observing completeness and truth of data element of Outward Manifest;

3. Recording Outward Manifest into the Customs Recording Book (BCP of BC 1.1) and delivers number and date of registration BC 1.1 in the Outward Manifest;

4. Delivers receipts by filling in the number and date registration BC 1.1 and delivers it to the transporter;

5. Observing goods descriptions in BC 1.1 and recording number post BC 1.1 which goods descriptions are not clear;

6. Informs data post BC 1.1 to the Officers that observes exporting goods document for reconciling.




Regulation of Director General of Customs and Excise No. P-19/BC/2006 concerning second amendment of Regulation of Director General of Customs and Excise No. P-10/BC/2006 concerning process of delivery and administration of notice of plan arrival of means of transportation, inward manifest means of transportation, and outward manifest means of transportation.

Process of delivery and administration notice of outward manifest through the electronic data storing media

A. Transporter:

1. Preparing Outward Manifest by using manifest/transportation module application program with data elements of at least:

a) For Means of Transportation by sea:

b) For Means of Transportation by air:

c) For Means of Transportation by land:

2. Performing Payment PNBP according to the fee set upon the manifest services through the Foreign currency bank of perception, Customs office, or PT Pos Indonesia and receive Payment slip;

3. Print introduction sheet Outward Manifest and performing data transfer Outward Manifest to Electronic Data Storing Media;

4. Deliver Electronic Data Storing Media that contains data Outward Manifest and introduction sheet with attachment of Payment slip of PNBP to the Officers who manage the Manifest at Customs office;

5. Receives receipts that have been given number and date of registration of BC 1.1.

B. Officers who manage the Manifest:

1. Receives Electronic Data Storing Media that contains data Outward Manifest and payment slip of PNBP from transporter;

2. Observes conditions of Electronic Data Storing Media and data that it contains;

3. Performing data transfer Outward Manifest from Electronic Data Storing Media into the Manifest Service Application System at Customs office;

4. Deliver receipts that have been given number and date of registration of BC 1.1 to the transporter;

5. Observing goods descriptions in BC 1.1 and recording number post BC 1.1 which goods descriptions are not clear.

C. Manifest Service Application System at Customs office:

1. Receives and observes completeness of data (validation) of Outward Manifest;

2. Delivers number and date registration BC 1.1;

3. Print receipts by filling in the number and date of BC 1.1; 4. Performing reconciliation of PEB and Notice of Other Customs with post of BC 1.1.




Regulation of Director General of Customs and Excise No. P-19/BC/2006 concerning second amendment of Regulation of Director General of Customs and Excise No. P-10/BC/2006 concerning process of delivery and administration of notice of plan arrival of means of transporter, inward manifest means of transportation, and outward manifest means of transportation

Process of delivery and administration of notice of outward manifest through the EDP system

A. Transporter:

1. Preparing Outward Manifest by using manifest application/transporter module program, with data elements of at least:

a) For Means of Transportation by sea:

b) For Means of Transportation by air:

c) For Means of Transportation by land:

2. Performing Payment of PNBP according to the fee set upon the manifest services through the Foreign currency bank of perception, Customs office, or PT Pos Indonesia and receive Payment slip;

3. Delivering Outward Manifest to Customs office through the EDP system;

4. Deliver payment slip of PNBP to the Officers who manage the Manifest;

5. Receives receipt of response of Outward Manifest that has been given number and date of registration of BC 1.1.

B. Manifest Service Application System at Customs office:

1. Receives and observes completeness of data (validation) of Outward Manifest that is delivered through the EDP system by transporter;

2. Delivers receipt of response of Outward Manifest to the Transporter who has been given the number and date of registration BC 1.1;

3. Performing reconciliation of PEB and Notice of Other Customs with post C 1.1.

C. Officers who manage the Manifest:

Observing goods descriptions in BC 1.1 and recording number post BC 1.1 which goods descriptions are not clear.




Regulation of Director General of Customs and Excise No. P-19/BC/2006 concerning second amendment of Regulation of Director General of Customs and Excise No. P-10/BC/2006 concerning process of delivery and administration of notice of plan arrival of means of transportation, inward manifest means of transportation, and outward manifest means of transportation.

Process of delivery and administration notice of list of passengers and other notices.

1. Transporter:

a. Delivers notice of as mentioned in Article 4 paragraph (7), in the forms of hardcopy or soft copy by EDP system or through the Electronic Data Storing Media to the Officers who manage the Manifest or computer system at the local Customs Office that consist of:

b. Receives slip of receipt from Officers who manage the Manifest/computer system.

2. Officers who manage the Manifest/Computer system at Customs office:

a. Receives notice as mentioned in Article 4 paragraph (7) from transporter and records it in Passengers List Book and other Notice;

b. Gives slip of receipt to the Transporter.




Regulation of Director General of Customs and Excise No. P-19/BC/2006 concerning second amendment of Regulation of Director General of Customs and Excise No. P-10/BC/2006 concerning process of delivery and administration of notice of plan arrival of means of transportation, inward manifest of means of transportation, and outward manifest means of transportation.


A. Transporter or Other parties who is responsible for Goods:

1. Preparing request of amendment of BC 1.1;

2. Performing Payment of PNBP upon service of amendment of BC 1.1 through the Foreign currency perception bank, Customs office or PT Pos Indonesia and receive Payment slip;

3. Delivering request of amendment of BC 1.1 to the Customs Chief or Officers who are appointed along with receipt of Payment of PNBP and supporting documents;

4. Receives notice of approval or rejection of amendment of BC 1.1 from Officers who manage the Manifest;

B. Officers who manage the Manifest:

1. Receives request of amendment of BC 1.1 along with slip of payment of PNBP and supporting documents from the transporter or other parties who is responsible for goods;

2. Performing observation upon request of amendment of BC 1.1 and supporting documents and its accordance with BC 1.1;

3. If the request of amendment of BC 1.1 is approved:

C. Manifest Service Application System at Customs office:

1. Receives and processing amendment of BC 1.1 that has been given approval for doing a amendment;

2. Printing approval of amendment of BC 1.1.