to Indonesian



As one of the World Trade Organization member country that has ratified the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, as implemented by Law No. 7/1994, Indonesia is obliged to play an active role in creating a fair world trade order and mutual benefit.

One of the efforts to realize the world trade order is done by setting the requirements and procedures for imposing Antidumping Duties, Compulsory Duties, and Safeguard Measure Duties and for handling in Government Regulation No. 34/1996 concerning Antidumping Duties and Compulsory Duties and Presidential Decree No. 84/2002 on Domestic Industry Safeguard Measure Caused by Surges of Imports as mandated by Law No. 10/1995 concerning Customs.

Arrangements and procedures for imposing Antidumping Duties, Compulsory Duties, and Safeguard Measures intended to allow the investigation process and the implementation of the cases of Dumping, Subsidies and Safeguard can be conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions in the International and also protects Domestic Industry from each Dumping and Subsidy practices, as well as the surge in the number of goods imported from another country.

With the enactment of Law No. 17/2006 concerning Amendment to the Law No. 10/1995 concerning Customs and to ensure the quality of the investigation and implementation process of cases of Antidumping, Subsidies, and the surge in imported goods, it is necessary arrangements concerning the provision of improved antidumping investigations, Subsidies and Trade Safeguard Measures investigation.

This Government Regulation regulates the investigations of Antidumping Measure, Compulsory Measure, and Trade Safeguard Measures, procedures for imposing Antidumping Duties, Compulsory Duties, and Safeguard Measure Duties, as well as the tasks and functions of Indonesia Antidumping Committee (KADI) and Indonesia Trade Safeguard Committee (KPPI).


Article 1

Self explanatory.

Article 2

Self explanatory.

Article 3

Self explanatory.

Article 4

Paragraph (1)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (3)

Letter a

Self explanatory.

Letter b

Supporting of Domestic Industry to the application is expressed in written form.

Paragraph (4)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (5)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (6)

What is meant by "reasonable" is a reason relating to the company's privacy, and include a reason not to make summary of information that is not confidential.

Paragraph (7)

Self explanatory.

Article 5

Self explanatory.

Article 6

Paragraph (1)

Supporting of Domestic Industry expressed in written form.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Article 7

Self explanatory.

Article 8

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "publicly announced" is conducted through the national mass media.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Article 9

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "the starting date of investigation" is the announcement date of KADI and the notice of starting of the investigation.

The provision limits the investigation for 12 (twelve) months is intended to give enough time to KADI and certainty for interested parties.

Paragraph (2)

What is meant by "certain conditions" are:

- force majeure

- there are obstacles in the investigation

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (4)

Self explanatory.

Article 10

Self explanatory.

Article 11

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "seek clarification" is a request for explanation or information concerning the alleged Dumping Goods that be done in the form of questionnaires.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (4)

What is meant by "reasonable" is a reason relating to the company's privacy, and include a reason not to make summary of information that is not confidential.

Paragraph (5)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (6)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (7)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (8)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (9)

Giving opportunity to the representatives of consumer organizations to provide information necessary if Investigated Goods are traded at retail.

Article 12

Self explanatory.

Article 13

Paragraph (1)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (2)

Letter a

Self explanatory.

Letter b

Preliminary report was made before the final report contains the results of the investigation and the main data of the investigation that will be used as the basis for the preparation of the final results of the investigation.

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (4)

Self explanatory.

Article 14

Self explanatory.

Article 15

What is meant by "blocking the investigation" for example in case of KADI need to clarify the description and/or documents received, exporter, producer exporters, the applicant or the Domestic Industry, or the importer do not provide an opportunity for clarification.

Article 16

Self explanatory.

Article 17

What is meant by "relevant economic factors" can be: the potential decline in sales, profits, production, market share, productivity, return on investment, capacity utilization, factors affecting domestic prices, the rate of dumping margin, the negative effect of real and potential cash flow, inventories, employment, wages, growth, ability to raise capital or investments.

What is meant by "other relevant factors" can be: volume and price of imports that are not sold at dumping prices, contraction in demand or changes in consumption patterns, technological developments, export performance.

Article 18

Paragraph (1)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (3)

What is meant by "consideration in the framework of national interest" is the consideration of all interests related directly or indirectly with Antidumping Measure, including:

a. consider the existence of the domestic applicant industry as the injured party directly for the existence of dumping resulting in losses, in financially, decreased market share, decrease the amount of labor, or losses, and so on;

b. consider the impact of Antidumping Measure for domestic industrial users according to the interests of national industrial development, national food price secure and stability, employment, fiscal interests and so on.

The process of considering the national interest made by the Minister after received recommendations on the imposition of Antidumping Measure from KADI. Minister discusses these recommendations in a discussion involving the minister and/or heads of non-ministerial government agencies related to the policy of Antidumping Measure.

Paragraph (4)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (5)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (6)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (7)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (8)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (9)

Consideration of easy implementation of collection in this paragraph shall not reduce the obligation of minister conducting the government affairs in finance to determine the rates and durations for the imposition of Temporary Antidumping Duties within a defined period.

Article 19

Self explanatory.

Article 20

Self explanatory.

Article 21

Self explanatory.

Article 22

Paragraph (1)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (2)

Letter a

Self explanatory.

Letter b

Preliminary report was made before the final report contains the results of the investigation and the main data of the investigation that will be used as the basis for the preparation of the final results of the investigation.

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (4)

If the Adjustment Measure is approved, the Temporary Measure will not be charged.

Article 23

Self explanatory.

Article 24

Letter a

The determination of when the importation of goods is calculated from the date of customs notification of the said import goods.

Letter b

Self explanatory.

Article 25

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "consideration in the framework of national interest" is the consideration of all interests related directly or indirectly with Antidumping Measure, including:

a. consider the existence of the domestic applicant industry as the injured party directly for the existence of dumping resulting in losses, in financially, decreased market share, decrease the amount of labor, or losses, and so on;

b. consider the impact of Antidumping Measure for domestic industrial users according to the interests of national industrial development, national food price secure and stability, employment, fiscal interests and so on.

The process of considering the national interest made by the Minister after received recommendations on the imposition of Antidumping Measure from KADI. Minister discusses these recommendations in a discussion involving the minister and/or heads of non-ministerial government agencies related to the policy of Antidumping Measure.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (4)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (5)

Self explanatory.

Article 26

Self explanatory.

Article 27

Paragraph (1)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (2)

Consideration of easy implementation of collection in this paragraph shall not reduce the obligation of minister conducting the government affairs in finance to determine the rates and durations for the imposition of Antidumping Duties within a defined period.

Article 28

Self explanatory.

Article 29

Self explanatory.

Article 30

Self explanatory.

Article 31

Self explanatory.

Article 32

Self explanatory.

Article 33

Self explanatory.

Article 34

Self explanatory.

Article 35

Self explanatory.

Article 36

Self explanatory.

Article 37

Self explanatory.

Article 38

Self explanatory.

Article 39

Paragraph (1)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (3)

Letter a

Self explanatory.

Letter b

Supporting of Domestic Industry is expressed in written form.

Paragraph (4)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (5)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (6)

What is meant by "reasonable" is a reason relating to the company's privacy, and include a reason not to make summary of information that is not confidential.

Paragraph (7)

Self explanatory.

Article 40

Self explanatory

Article 41

Paragraph (1)

Supporting Domestic Industry is expressed in written form.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Article 42

Self explanatory.

Article 43

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "publicly announced" is conducted through the national mass media.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Article 44

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "the starting date of investigation" is the announcement date of KADI and the notice of starting of the investigation.

The provision limits the investigation for 12 (twelve) months is intended to give enough time to KADI and certainty for interested parties.

Paragraph (2)

What is meant by "certain conditions" are:

- force majeure

- there are obstacles in the investigation

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (4)

Self explanatory.

Article 45

Self explanatory.

Article 46

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "seek clarification" is a request for explanation or information concerning the alleged Dumping Goods that be done in the form of questionnaires.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (4)

What is meant by "reasonable" is a reason relating to the company's privacy, and include a reason not to make summary of information that is not confidential.

Paragraph (5)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (6)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (7)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (8)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (9)

Giving opportunity to the representatives of consumer organizations to provide information necessary if Investigated Goods are traded at retail.

Article 47

Paragraph (1)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (2)

Letter a

Self explanatory.

Letter b

Preliminary report was made before the final report contains the results of the investigation and the main data of the investigation that will be used as the basis for the preparation of the final results of the investigation.

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (4)

Self explanatory.

Article 48

Self explanatory.

Article 49

What is meant by "blocking the investigation" for example in case of KADI need to clarify the description and/or documents received, exporter, producer exporters, the applicant or the Domestic Industry, or the importer do not provide an opportunity for clarification.

Article 50

Self explanatory.

Article 51

What is meant by "relevant economic factors" can be: the potential decline in sales, profits, production, market share, productivity, return on investment, capacity utilization, factors affecting domestic prices, the amount of Net Subsidy, the negative effect of real and potential cash flow, inventories, employment, wages, growth, ability to raise capital or investments.

What is meant by "other relevant factors" can be: volume and price of imports that are not sold at subsidized prices, contraction in demand or changes in consumption patterns, technological developments, export performance.

Article 52

Paragraph (1)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (3)

What is meant by "consideration in the framework of national interest" is the consideration of all interests related directly or indirectly with the Compulsory Measure, including:

a. consider the existence of the domestic applicant industry as the injured party directly for the goods contain Subsidies resulting losses in financially, decreased market share, decrease the amount of labor, or losses, and so on;

b. consider the impact of the Compulsory Measure for domestic industrial users according to the interests of national industrial development, national food price secure and stability, employment, and fiscal interests.

The process of considering the national interest made by the Minister after received recommendations on the imposition of Compulsory Measure from KADI. Minister discusses these recommendations in a discussion involving the minister and/or heads of non-ministerial government agencies related to policy of Compulsory Measure.

Paragraph (4)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (5)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (6)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (7)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (8)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (9)

Consideration of easy implementation of collection in this paragraph shall not reduce the obligation of minister conducting the government affairs in finance to determine the rate and duration of the imposition of Temporary Compulsory Duties within a defined period.

Article 53

Self explanatory.

Article 54

Self explanatory.

Article 55

Paragraph (1)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (2)

Letter a

Self explanatory.

Letter b

Preliminary report was made before the final report contains the results of the investigation and the main data of the investigation that will be used as the basis for the preparation of the final results of the investigation.

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (4)

If the Adjustment Measure is approved, the Temporary Measure will not be charged.

Article 56

Self explanatory.

Article 57

Letter a

The determination of when the importation of goods is calculated from the date of customs notification of the said import goods.

Letter b

Self explanatory.

Article 58

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "consideration in the framework of national interest" is to consider all interests related directly or indirectly with the Compulsory Measure include:

a. consider the existence of the domestic applicant industry as the injured party directly for the goods contain Subsidies that resulted in losses, in financially, decreased market share, decrease the amount of labor, or losses, and so on;

b. consider the impact of the Compulsory Measure for domestic industrial users according to the interests of national industrial development, national food price secure and stability, employment, and fiscal interests.

The process of considering the national interest made by the Minister after received recommendations on the imposition of Compulsory Measure from KADI. Minister discusses these recommendations in a discussion involving the minister and/or heads of non-ministerial government agencies related to policy of Compulsory Measure.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (4)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (5)

Self explanatory.

Article 59

Self explanatory.

Article 60

Paragraph (1)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (2)

Consideration of easy implementation of the collection in this paragraph shall not reduce the obligation of minister conducting the government affairs in finance to determine the rate and duration of the imposition of Compulsory Duties within a defined period.

Article 61

Self explanatory.

Article 62

Self explanatory.

Article 63

Self explanatory.

Article 64

Self explanatory.

Article 65

Self explanatory.

Article 66

Self explanatory.

Article 67

Self explanatory.

Article 68

Self explanatory.

Article 69

Self explanatory.

Article 70

Self explanatory.

Article 71

Paragraph (1)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (2)

Goods Investigated includes resulted goods of industrial, agricultural, marine, fisheries, forestry, and mining.

Article 72

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "other domestic parties" are government agencies and/or local governments related to the Goods Investigated, Similar Goods, or Directly Competitive Goods.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (4)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (5)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (6)

Self explanatory.

Article 73

Self explanatory.

Article 74

Paragraph (1)

A public announcement concerning the starting of the investigation can be done through official press releases as well as loading in a national newspaper.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Article 75

What is meant by "factors that are objective and measurable associated with the Domestic Industry condition" can be: surge in the number of imported goods, domestic market share taken by the surge in the number of imported goods, changes in the level of sales, production, productivity, utilization capacity, profits and loss, and labor.

Article 76

Self explanatory.

Article 77

Self explanatory.

Article 78

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "seek clarification" is a request for information, information, evidence, or other matters related to the investigation.

What is meant by "other parties concerned" are the parties both domestic and abroad related to the Goods Investigated, Similar Goods, or Directly Competitive Goods.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (4)

Self explanatory.

Article 79

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "other parties concerned", are parties other than exporters, producer exporters, applicants, importers, and governments of certain exporter countries, which based on consideration of KPPI, are required in an investigation depends on each case under investigation .

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Article 80

Self explanatory.

Article 81

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "consideration in the framework of national interest" is the consideration of all interests related directly or indirectly with Safeguard Measure, including:

a. consider the existence of the domestic applicant industry as the injured party directly for the surge in imported goods resulting in serious injury or threat of serious injury, in financially, decreased market share, decrease the amount of labor, or losses, and so on;

b. consider the impact of Safeguard Measure for domestic industrial users according to the interests of national industrial development, national food price secure and stability, employment, fiscal interests and so on.

The process of considering the national interest made by the Minister after received recommendations on the imposition of Safeguard Measure from KADI. Minister discusses these recommendations in a discussion involving the minister and/or heads of non-ministerial government agencies related to the policy of Safeguard Measure.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (4)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (5)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (6)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (7)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (8)

Consideration of easy implementation of collection in this paragraph shall not reduce the obligation of minister conducting the government affairs in finance to determine the rates and durations for the imposition of Safeguard Duties within a defined period.

Paragraph (9)

Self explanatory.

Article 82

Self explanatory.

Article 83

Self explanatory.

Article 84

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "consideration in the framework of national interest" is the consideration of all interests related directly or indirectly by the Safeguard Measure, including:

a. consider the existence of the domestic applicant industry as the injured party directly for the surge in imported goods resulting serious losses or threat of serious losses, in financially, decreased market share, decrease the amount of labor, or losses, and so on;

b. consider the impact of Safeguard for industrial users in the country according to the interests of national industrial development, security and national food price stability, employment, and fiscal interests.

The process of considering the national interest made by the Minister after received recommendations on the imposition Safeguard Measure from KPPI. Minister to discuses these recommendations in a discussion involving the minister and/or heads of non-ministerial government agencies related to Safeguard Measure policy.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (4)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (5)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (6)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (7)

Consideration of easy implementation of collection in this paragraph shall not reduce the obligation of minister conducting the government affairs in finance to determine the rate and duration of the imposition of Safeguard Measure Duties within a defined period.

Paragraph (8)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (9)

Self explanatory.

Article 85

Self explanatory.

Article 86

Self explanatory.

Article 87

Paragraph (1)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (3)

What is meant by "consideration in the framework of national interest" is the consideration of all interests related directly or indirectly with the Safeguard Measure, including:

a. consider the existence of the domestic applicant industry as the injured party directly for the surge in imported goods resulting in serious injury or threat of serious injury, in financially, decreased market share, decrease the amount of labor, or losses, and so on;

b. consider the impact of Safeguard Measure for domestic industrial users according to the interests of national industrial development, national food price secure and stability, employment, fiscal interests and so on.

The process of considering the national interest made by the Minister after received recommendations on the imposition of Safeguard Measure from KADI. Minister discusses these recommendations in a discussion involving the minister and/or heads of non-ministerial government agencies related to the policy of Safeguard Measure.

Paragraph (4)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (5)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (6)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (7)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (8)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (9)

Consideration for easy implementation of the collection in this paragraph shall not reduce the obligation of the minister that conducting the government affairs in finance to determine the tariff and period of the imposition of Safeguard Measures Import Duty.

Paragraph (10)

Self explanatory.

Article 88

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "within a sufficient period" is application if filed 6 (six) months before ending period of Safeguard Measure.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (3)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (4)

Self explanatory.

Paragraph (5)

Self explanatory.

Article 89

Self explanatory.

Article 90

Self explanatory.

Article 91

What is meant by "Committee on Antidumping Practices" is a board in World Trade Organization (WTO) that monitor implementation of WTO Agreement on Antidumping.

What is meant by "Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures" is a board in World Trade Organization (WTO) that monitor implementation of WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.

Article 92

Paragraph (1)

What is meant by "Committee on Safeguards" is a board in World Trade Organization (WTO) that monitor implementation of WTO Agreement on Safeguards.

Paragraph (2)

Self explanatory.

Article 93

Self explanatory.

Article 94

Self explanatory.

Article 95

Self explanatory.

Article 96

Self explanatory.

Article 97

Independent in this provision is in the implementation of investigation function.

Article 98

Self explanatory.

Article 99

Self explanatory.

Article 100

Self explanatory.

Article 101

Self explanatory.

Article 102

Self explanatory.

Article 103

Self explanatory.