No. P-19/BC/2005



A. Importer

1. Priority Tape Importer

Shall prepare PIB by PIB application program with its own importers module, and shall:

a. Make payment of import duty, excise duty and PDRI through Foreign Exchange Perception Bank, which is already on-line with Customs PDE, if not utilizing Regular Payment facility;

b. Deliver PIB data to Customs Office after it is completed accordingly by mentioning:

1) Number of license issued by the technical institution in case that import requires licence/recommendation;

2) Number and date of corporate guarantee, STTJ if import is secured by a guarantee;

c. Receive response in form of rejection of PIB data;

d. Re-deliver PIB data after it is completed/revised;

e. Receive response of number of registration of PIB;

f. Receive response and print License for Exit of Goods (SPPB) and bring and deliver the SPPB to the Officer in charge of supervising exit of goods;

g. Submit hard copy of PIB in triplicate complete with 1 (one) original set of Supplementary Customs Documents and evidence of payment (SSPCP) and license/recommendation issued by the technical institution in case that import requires license/ recommendation to the Veri.fication Department of the Regional Office within not later than 5 (five) working days af.ter date of issuance of SPPB, and receive a receipt,

h. In case that Priority Tape Importer utilizes Regular Payment facility:

1) Shall fill in the column of "Regular Payment" on the PIB;

2) Shall make payment of import duty, excise duty, and PDRI through Foreign Exchange Perception Bank, which is already on-line with Customs PDE and shall mention number of submission and number of PIB on SSPCP;

3) Shall deliver SSPCP and 1 (one) page of PIB hard copy ratified by Foreign Exchange Perception Bank to the Customs Office not later than the end of the month following the month of registration of PIB;

4) In case that Certificate of Relief (SKB) from the Directorate General of Taxation, domes.tic insurance policy and or Form D cannot be submitted at the time of submission of hard copy of PIB, importer shall make a statement to the Office Head forwarded to the Verification Department of the Regional Office that the documents will be submit.ted not later than the time of submission of SSPCP;

i. In case that Priority Tape Importer receives fa.cility of exemption or reduction of import duty:

1) It shall submit copy of master list to be ratified by the Officer in charge of managing facility/guarantee by showing the original master list at the first time of import;

2) It shall receive copy of master list that has been ratified by the Officer in charge of managing facility/guarantee, and, further, at each time of import shall bring the copy of master list to the Officer in charge of managing facility/guarantee at place of import of goods to carry out reduction of amount of exemption,

3) The reduction of amount of exemption shall be done before submission of hard copy of PIB;

j. In case that Priority Tape Importer receives Temporary Import or Re-import facility:

1) It shall receive response and print Red Tape Declaration (SPJM), which is also a license for exit and physical examination of goods at importer's location;

2) It shall submit hard copy of PIB in tripli.cate complete with 1 (one) set of original supplementary customs documents to the Good Inspecting Officer;

3) It shall submit a request to the Officer for revision of license of Temporary Import Facility in case of differences in quantity and type of goods based on result of physical examination;

4) It shall receive license for Temporary Im.port or Re-import in form of SPBB ratified by the Document Inspecting Officer.

2. Other Importers

Importer shall prepare PIB by PIB application pro.gram and shall:

a. Make payment of import duty, excise duty, PDRI through Foreign Exchange Perception Bank, which is already on-line with Customs PDE;

b. Submit guarantee to the PIB that already receives Temporary Import facility or postponement or Letter of Receipt of Guarantee (STTJ) if receiving Import Facility for Export Purposes (KITE) to the Officer in charge of facility/guarantee and shall receive evidence of receipt of guarantee/STTJ;

c. Submit PIB data to Customs Office at least 3 (three) working days before unloading of import goods, after it is completed correctly, and shall mention:

1) Number of license issued by the technical institution in case that import requires license/recommendation;

2) Number and date of evidence of payment and/or evidence of receipt of guarantee/SZTJ;

d. Receive response of request for evidence of receipt of guarantee and submit the evidence of receipt of guarantee or STJJ to the Officer in charge facility/guarantee, in case that guarantee is not secured to the Customs Office of place of unloading;

e. Receive response in form of rejection of PIB data;

f. Re-deliver PIB data after it is completed/revised, except on import of prohibited goods;

g. Receive response of number of registration of PIB;

h. In case that importer receives facility of ex.emption or reduction of import duty:

1) It shall submit copy of master list to be ratified by the Officer in charge of facility/guarantee by showing the original master list at the first time of import;

2) It shall receive copy of master list that has been ratified by the Officer in charge of fa.cility/guarantee, and at each time of import, shall bring the copy of master list to the Officer in charge of facility/guarantee at place of import of goods for reduction of amount of exemption;

3) The reduction of amount of exemption shall be done before submission of hard copy of PIB;

i. In case that import is decided into the green tape:

1) It shall receive response and print SPPB for exit of goods or SPPB marked with "by Hi-Co Scanning";

2) It shall submit hard copy of PIB in tripli.cate complete with 1 (one) set of original supplementary customs documents and SSPCP within not later than 3 (three) working days after date of issuance of SPPB to:

i. The Verification Department of the Re.gional Office; or

ii. The Good Inspecting Officer particularly for Green Tape PIB designated for Hi-Co Scanning and physical examination;

3) It shall receive response and print request of information of Customs Value and shall submit evidences of verity of Customs Value to the Verification Department within not later than 7 (seven) working days after date of request of information;

4) It shall receive response and print Declara.tion of Shortages of Payment of Import Duty, Excise Duty, PDRI, and/or Administrative Sanctions (SPKPBM) and shall fully pay these shortages within not later than 30 (thirty) days since date of SSPKPBM and shall deliver SSPCP to the Officer in charge of Collection/ Repayment;

5) In case that it did not receive the decree on shortages of payment of import duty, excise duty, PDRI, and/or administrative sanction in form of monetary charges, it shall file objection to the Director General through head of Customs Office by submit.ting a guarantee in the amount equal to the shortages of payment of import duty, excise duty, PDRI, and/or administrative sanctions in form of monetary charges to the Officer in charge of facility/guarantee within not later than 30 (thirty) days since date of SPKPBM;

j. In case that import is decided into the red tape:

1) It shall receive and print SPJM response and request of information of customs value in case that inspection rates are 30% and 100%;

2) It shall submit hard copy of PIB in tripli.cate complete with 1 (one) set of original supplementary customs documents and SSPCP and/or evidences of verity of cus.toms value to the Good Inspecting Officer for physical examination within not later than 3 (three) working days since date of SPJM;

3) It shall prepare goods for physical exami.nation and shall join the physical examina.tion;

4) It shall submit request for extension of term of designation of official inspection and the reasons;

5) It shall receive carbon copy of instruction of official inspection from the Customs Officer if within 3 (three) working days after date of SPJM did not submit documents, did not prepare goods, and did not join physical examination;

6) It shall receive response of Declaration Notes from the Document Inspecting Officer in case that the import goods are pro.hibited or restricted;

7) It shall receive response and print request of information of customs value, and shall submit evidences of verity of customs value to the Document Inspecting Officer within not later than 7 (seven) working days after date of request of information in case that inspection rate is 10%;

8) It shall receive response and print SPKPBM and shall fully pay within not later than 30 (thirty) days since date of SPKPBM and shall deliver SSPCP to the Officer in charge of collection/Repayment;

9) In case that it did not receive a decree or, shortages of payment of import duty, ex.cise duty, PDRI, and/or administrative sanc.tions in form of monetary charges, it shall file an objection to the Director General through Head of Customs Office and shall submit a guarantee in the amount equal to the shortages of payment of import duty, excise duty, PDRI, and/or administrative sanctions in form of monetary charges to the Officer in charge of facility/guarantee within not later than 30 (thirty) days since date of SPKPBM;

10) It shall receive response of SPPB for Red Tape PIB that has been completely pro.cessed and shall print SPPB for exit of goods;

B. Import Service Application System at Customs Of.fice:

1. Examining PIB data delivered by importer;

2. Sending response to unregistered importer to im.mediately perform registration, at the first time of import;

3. Examining and reconciling credit advice with PIB data, and if the credit advice has not been sent by Foreign Exchange Perception Bank, the PIB data will be put in Waiting Status for not late; than 1 (one) day for delivery of the credit advice by Foreign Exchange Perception Bank;

4. Forwarding PIB Data to the Officer at Analyzing Point to be further examined in case that the im.port goods are classified as prohibited or restricted goods;

5. Sending response of request for license/recommen.dation from the technical institution in case that the import goods are prohibited/restricted goods;

6. Sending response of request for evidence of guar.antee/STTJ or supplementary customs docu.ments/master list to importer to be forwarded to the Officer in charge of facility/guarantee;

7. Sending response in form of rejection of PIB data if:

a. PIB data is not written completely and accord.ingly;

b. After the first time of import, importer has not possessed Letter of Notification of Registra.tion (SPR);

c. Importer has not fully paid outstanding im.port duty, excise duty, PDRI, and or monetary charges within not later than 30 (thirty) days since date of SPKPBM;

d. Data on number of B/L, AWB, or number of repeat submission;

e. Code of currency not mentioned on NDPBM, and/or harmonized schedule not mentioned on BTBMI;

f. Priority Tape Importer:

1) Has not submitted PIB documents until the 5th (fifth) working day since issuance of SPPB;

2) Has not submitted SSPCP on PIB with Regu.lar Payment facility until maturity;

g. Other importers have not delivered PIB docu.ments until the 3rd (third) working day since issuance of SPPB;

h. PPJK mentions PPJK Identification Number (NPP) incorrectly and or NPP has expired;

i. Importer/PPJK is included in the black list is.sued by the Director General, Head of Regional Office, or Head of Customs Office;

j. Import goods are classified as prohibited goods with a carbon copy forwarded to the officer in charge of supervision;

k. Importer did not submit license/recommenda.tion from the technical institution within 3 (three) working days after date of response with carbon copy to the officer in charge of supervision;

8. Giving number of registration of PIB and sending response of number of registration of PIB to im.porter;

9. Designation of channel of exit of goods, namely:

a. Priority tape : sending response and SPPB;

b. Green tape : sending response and SPPB;

c. Red tape:

1) Determining rate of physical examination: 10% (ten percents), 30% (thirty percents), or 100% (one hundred percents);

2) Sending response of SPJM and request of information of customs value on import which rate of inspection is 30% (thirty per.cents) or 100% (one hundred percents) and request for immediate preparation of goods for examination;

3) Printing instruction for inspection and SPJM;

4) Sending response in form of instruction for official inspection from Customs Officer- to importer in case of performance of official inspection;

10. For offices operating Hi-Co Scanning:

a. Random selection of Green Tape PIB for Hi-Co Scanning;

b. Printing and sending response of SPPB marked with "by Hi-Co Scanning";

c. Printing BCF 2.3.C, namely printed description of goods in complete form as mentioned on PIB;

d. Printing instruction for inspection of SPPB marked with "by Hi-Co Scanning" as decided by the Hi-Co Scan analyzing officer that examination is necessary;

11. Sending response and printing request of infor.mation of customs value;

12. Sending response and printing SPKPBM;

13. Sending response and printing Declaration Notes in case that the import goods are classified as prohibited or restricted goods;

14. Sending response and printing SPPB for Red Tape PIB that has been processed completely.

C. Officer at Analyzing Point

1. Inspecting PIB data on import requirements on the same working day with submission of PIB and sending response of:

a. Declaration in form of request of license/rec.ommendation from the technical institution and request for delivery of hard copy of the license/ recommendation within 3 (three) working days after date of Declaration if the import goods are classified as prohibited/commercial proce.dure goods;

b. Declaration of rejection of PIB if the import goods are classified as prohibited goods with carbon copy to the officer in charge of;

2. Recording data of the license/recommendation from the technical institution.

D. Hi-Co Scan Analyzing Officer

1. Receiving SPPB marked with "by Hi-Co Scanning", BCF 2.3.C and packing list invoice ratified by the Document Distributing Officer;

2. Performing analysis into image/Hi -Co Scan print.outs;

3. Making decision using BCF 2.3 D and recording the decision into computer:

a. In case it is decided that physical examination of goods is not necessary, BCF 2.3 DS and Hi-Co Scan printouts shall be delivered to the Document Distributing Officer and sending SPPB to the Officer supervising exit of goods;

b. In case it is decided that it is necessary to perform a physical examination, BCF 2.3 D, Hi-Co Scan printouts, and SPPB shall be deliv.ered to the Document Inspecting Officer for physical examination;

4. Receiving copy of LHP from the Good Inspecting Officer in case that physical inspection is per.formed based on BCF 2.3 D;

5. Being able to join physical examination;

6. On SPPB marked with "by Hi-Co Scanning", or exceptionable goods, which, due to their nature, could not be Hi-Co Scanned, physical examination shall be performed at importer's location by the officer in charge of supervision.

E. Good Inspecting Officer

1. Shall receive BCF 2.3 C and Hi-Co Scan printouts from the Hi-Co-Scan Analyzing Officer if physical examination is performed based on decision of the Hi-Co Scan Analyzing Officer;

2. Shall print instruction for inspection;

3. Shall receive and inspect completeness of hard copy of PIB in triplicate and 1 (one) set of origi.nal supplementary customs documents:

a. From Priority Tape Importer, which import is decided into the red tape because of using tem.porary import or re-import facility;

b. From green tape importer, which, by the Hi.Co Scan Analyzing Officer is decided to be physically examined; or

c. And evidences of customs value (for rates of inspection 30% and 100%) and SSPCP from other importers, which import is decided into the red tape;

4. Shall record PI6 data into computer and shall give receipt to importer if PIB data is complete;

5. Shall receive license for examination of goods at importer's location if examination is performed at importer's location;

6. Shall make report on inability of performance of physical examination and the reasons to the Customs Officer if within 3 (three) working days after date of SPJM importer or its proxy:

a. did not deliver packing list and/or invoice;

b. did not prepare goods for examination; or

c. did not join physical examination;

7. Shall receive instruction for official inspection from Customs Officer;

8. Shall perform physical examination, record time of beginning and end of examination, contain re.sult of examination on form of Instruction for Inspection, and record in computer within not later than 3 (three) working days since:

a. Goods are ready for physical examination;

b. Receipt of instruction for official inspection, ex.cept in certain cases;

9. Shall deliver PIB and LHP documents to:

a. Document Inspecting Officer; or

b. Officer distributing Documents in case that result of examination into green tape PIB, which is performed based on the decision of Hi-Co Scan Analyzing Officer, shows that it is already qualified and sending SPPB to the officer su.pervising exit of goods;

10. Shall re-receive LHP, which is less complete from the Document Inspecting Officer and send LHP that has been complete to the Document Officer;

11. Shall send copy of LHP to the Hi-Co Scan Officer if inspection is performed based on the decision of the Hi-Co Scan Analyzing Officer.

F. Custom Officer

1. Shall receive report on inability of performance of physical examination within 3 (three) working days from the Good Inspecting Office;

2. Shall receive request for extension of deadline for official inspection from importer;

3. Shall perform evaluation into the reasons of inability of performance of physical examination;

4. Shall make decision on the same day concerning:

a. Grant of extension of deadline for official inspection for not later than 2(two) working days in case that importer is able to give clarifica.tions concerning reasons for inability of per.formance of physical examination; or

b. Official inspection;

5. Shall send instruction for official inspection to Good Inspecting Officer with carbon copy to importer and Officer in charge of supervision.

G. Document Inspecting Officer:

1. Shall receive document of PIB and LHP of:

a. Red tape PIB;

b. Green tape PIB, which, by the Hi-Co Scan Analyzing Officer is decided to be physically examined and the result of examination shows disqualifications; or

c. Priority Tape PIB is decided into the red tape from Good Inspecting Officer and shall evalu.ate completeness of documents and verity in the completion of PIB based on invoice, packing list, and other supplementary customs documents;

2. Shall return LHP, which is unclear, to the Good Inspecting Officer and the clarifications matters that must be revised and shall receive the LHP after it has been revised;

3. Shall examine and designate classification, impo.sition, customs value, and full payment of import duty, excise duty, PDRI, where classification, imposition, and customs value must be designated within not later than 3 (three) working days since date of receipt of LHP, except in certain cases;

4. Shall deliver sample of goods to the laboratory, in case that an examination is necessary, and, if based on PIB data and supplementary customs documents:

a. It can be found that import goods are not classified as prohibited and/or restricted goods, designation of classification, imposition, and customs value up to issuance of SPPB shall be done without waiting for results of laboratory examination;

b. It cannot be found that import goods are not classified as prohibited and/or restricted goods, SPPB cannot be issued before there are results of laboratory examination;

5. Shall issue request of information of customs value on import, which rate of inspection is 10% (ten percent) in case of doubt over the verity of the informed customs value without the need to wait for results of laboratory examination (if any);

6. Shall inspect evidences of verity of customs value received by importer;

7. in case of shortages of payment of import duty, excise duty, and PDRI, shall issue Revision Notes in duplicate addressed to:

a. The first page to the Officer in charge of Col.lection/Repayment;

b. The second page to be attached to PIB docu.ment;

8. In case that there is excess of payment of import duty, excise duty, and PDRI, shall issue Revision Notes in duplicate addressed to:

a. The first page to the Officer in charge of Col.lection/Repayment;

b. The second page to be attached to PIB docu.ment;

9. In case that results of laboratory examination shows different results with PIB document, shall re-designate classification; imposition, and customs value and shall issue revision notes;

10. In case there are import goods subject to rules on prohibitions and restrictions, which are not informed or informed dishonestly in PIB:

a. Shall issue Declaration Notes in triplicate addressed to:

1) The first page to importer;

2) The second page to the Officer in charge of supervision;

3) The third page to be attached to PIB document;

b. Shall deliver PIB documents to the Officer in charge of supervision, and the import goods shall further be declared as being controlled by the state.

11. Shall issue SPPB

a. After completion of process of designation of classification, imposition, and customs value in case that the designation of classification, imposition, and customs value did not cause shortages of payment of import duty, excise duty, PDRI, and/or administrative sanctions in form of monetary charges;

b. After full payment of shortages of import duty, excise duty, DDRI, and/or administrative sanc.tions in form of monetary charges in case the designation of classification, imposition, and/or customs value causes shortages of payment, of import duty, excise duty, PDRI, and/or ad.ministrative sanctions in form of monetary charges;

c. After delivery of guarantee equal to import duty, excise duty, PDRI, and/or administrative sanctions in case that importers files objec.tion against the designation of classification, imposition, and/or customs value; or

d. In case of performance of official examination, after importer has paid all bills as a result of performance of official inspection;

12. Shall deliver PIB and LHP documents to the Of.ficer in charge of supervision in case of incorrect quantity and or type of goods resulting in short.ages of payment of import duty, excise duty, and PDRI at 100% (one hundred percents) or more from paid import charges;

13. Shall deliver PIB documents to:

a. The officer distributing documents if SPKPBM is not issues for the PIE;

b. The officer in charge of Collection/Repayment if SPKPBM is issued for the PIB;

14. In case that import goods are in form of excisable goods packed for retail sale, the exit of the goods from Custom Area or other places under supervision of the Customs Department may only be implemented after they are attached with Certificate of Payment or Excise supervision of the Customs Department may only be implemented after they are attached with Certificate of Payment or Excise Supervision pursu.ant to the applicable regulations.

H. Officer Supervising Exit of Goods:

1. Shall receive SPPB from:

a. Importer;

b. Document Distributing Officer;

c, Hi-Co Scan Analyzing Officer in case that SPPB is marked with "by Hi-Co Scanning" with results of analysis showing that it does not nec.essarily undergo physical examination; or

d. Good Inspecting Officer in case that SPPB marked with "by Hi-Co Scanning" with results of analysis showing that it does not necessarily undergo physical examination and it is qualified based on results of physical examination;

2. Shall receive SPJM from Good Inspecting Officer and SPJM printed by importer in case of Priority Tape PIB, which is also a license for exit of goods to be physically examined at importer's location;

3. Shall supervise exit of goods by reconciling SPBB/ SPJM of Priority Tape Importer and computer data with number, mark, size, quantity, and type of package/container or quantity of the bulk goods:

a. if they are qualified, import goods may be ex.ited;

b. if they are unqualified, import goods may not be exited, SPPB shall be delivered to the Of.ficer in charge of manifests for further settle.ment;

c. putting records on SPPB in case that quantity of package/container/bulk goods are in short (exceptionable) and shall be further handled according to the procedure for settlement of exceptionable import goods;

4. Shall put records of exit of goods on SPPB/SPJM of Priority Tape Importer;

5. Shall return SPPB to importer after it is given records of exit of goods;

6. Shall prevent exit of import goods in case of issu.ance of instruction for prevention or instruction for spot check and shall put records of prevention on the SPPB and deliver the SPPB to the Officer in charge of supervision;

7. Shall record number of PIB, data of packages, and police registration number of land transpor.tation into computer;

8. Shall deliver SPPB to the Officer in charge of mani.fests to be further administered and used as ba.sis for closing BC 1.1 post;

9. Shall deliver SPJM of Priority Tape Importer to Good Inspecting Officer to be attached to PIB documents.

I. Officer In Charge of Manifests

1. Shall receive SPPB from the Officer in charge of supervision of exit of goods;

2. Shall close the BC 1.1 post;

3. Shall deliver SPPB to the Document Distributing Officer to be attached to the PIB.

J. Officer In Charge of Supervision

1. Shall receive carbon copy of rejection of PIB from the Officer at Analyzing Point in case that import goods are classified as prohibited goods and shall make follow-ups;

2. Shall receive carbon copy of Instruction for Offi.cial Inspection from the Customs Officer and shall perform evaluation into possible customs viola.tions and shall follow-up by blockage/other sanctions;

3. Shall receive PIB documents and Declaration Notes concerning prohibited/restricted goods from Docu.ment Inspecting Officer to further perform an in.depth evaluation and shall declare them as being controlled by the state;

4. Shall receive PIB and LHP documents from Docu.ment Inspecting Officer on import goods, which quantity and or type is unqualified that it results in shortages of payment of import duty, excise duty and PDRI of 100% (one hundred percent) or more of paid import charges;

5. Shall process the PIB, as meant in paragraph f, within not later than 5 (five) days to decide whether:

a. to continue with investigation process because of violating of the criminal rules as set forth in Law No. 10/1995 on Customs Affairs; or

b. to be returned to the Document Inspecting Of.ficer to be further processed because of lack of evidences;

6. Shall issue NHI and instruction for prevention;

7. Shall receive and keep SPPB and Green Tape PIB imposed with prevention or spot check from the Officer supervising exit of goods;

8. Shall perform physical examination into PIB, which is imposed with prevention and or spot check that needs further inspection;

9. Shall send PIB documents in accordance with paragraph 8 to the Document Distributing Officer if, based on inspection, there are not sufficient evidences for performing investigation;

10. Shall perform examination into import goods, which, due to their nature, are not possible to be Hi-Co Scanned.

K. Document Distributing Officer

1. Shall print and send SPPB to the Officer exit of goods;

2. Shall send SPPB marked with "By Hi-Co Scanning" and BCF 2.3 C to the Hi-Co Scan Analyzing Of.ficer in case of issuance of SPPB marked with "by Hi-Co Scanning"

3. Shall receive and inspect completeness of PIB documents:

a. From Good Inspecting Officer on Hi-Co Scan Green Tape PIB decided to be physically exam.ined and the results show that it is qualified;

b. From Document Inspecting Officer on Hi-Co Scan Green Tape PIB decided to be physically examined and the results show that it is quali.fied;

c. From Document Inspecting Officer on Red Tape PIB;

4. Shall receive SPPB from the Officer in charge of manifests:

a. on Green Tape PIB to be forwarded to the Verification Department of the Regional Office of the Directorate General;

b. On Hi-Con Scan Green Tape PIB to be attached to the PIB to be forwarded to the Verification Department of the Regional Office of the Directorate General;

5. Shall deliver PIB documents obtaining facility of temporary import or postponement or obtaining exemption of import duty, excise duty, and PDRI, Red Tape PIB, which exit of the goods is secured with a guarantee to the Officer in charge of facil.ity/guarantee;

6. Shall receive PIB that obtains facility from the Of.ficer in charge of guarantee facilitation;

7. Shall send Priority Tape PIB and Hi-Co Scan Green Tape PIB decided for physical examination with results showing its being qualified to the Regional Office;

8. Shall administer PIB in accordance with Circular of the Director General concerning Administration of Documents, Goods, and State Revenues in The Framework of Import.

L. Officer Managing Facility/Guarantee

1. Shall receive copy of master list from Importer obtaining exemption/reduction of import duty to be ratified based on the original master list and shall reduce amount of exemption/reduction in the copy of master list for each time of import;

2. Shall receive and book guarantees;

3. Shall receive STTJ if import obtains KITE facility;

4. Shall receive and record value of guarantee se.cured to the Customs Office;

5. Shall give receipt of guarantee/STTJ;

6. Shall receive PIB documents obtaining facility from the Document Distributing Officer;

7. Shall perform monitoring over settlement of PIB that obtains facility;

8. Shall receive evidence of settlement of PIB that obtains facility;

9. Shall cash the guarantee due and shall pay it based on each PIB to the Foreign Exchange Per.ception Bank;

10. Shall send PIB that obtains facility, which has been settled, to the Document Distributing Officer.

M. Officer In Charge of Collection/ Repayment;

1. Shall perform monitoring over settlement of bills, which are already due;

2. Shall issue Letter of Collection of outstanding debts based on SPKPBM, which is already due;

3. Shall receive SSPCP on full payment of shortages of import duty and other charges;

4. Shall receive PIB with issuance of SKPBM from the Document Inspecting Officer;

5. Shall receive first page of Revision Notes from the Document Inspecting Officer or the Verifica.tion Department of the Regional Office of the Directorate General and shall issue:

a. Letter of stipulation of shortages of payment of import duty, excise duty, PDRI, and/or ad.ministrative sanctions in form of monetary charges;

b. Letter of decision of repayment of import duty, excise duty, PDRI, and/or administrative sanc.tions in form of monetary charges;

6. Shall receive report from the Verification Depart.ment on Priority Tape PIB and shall utilize facility of Regular Payment, which is not yet fully paid on maturity;

7. Shall issue Letter of Collection and calculate the amount of administrative sanctions in form of monetary charges for late payment of amounts based on Regular Payment facility and receive SSPCP for certain bills;

8. Shall receive and settle request for repayment sub.mitted by importer;

N. Verification Department of Regional Office of the Di.rectorate General:

1. Priority Tape:

a. Shall receive hard copy of PIB in triplicate and 1 (one) original set of Supplementary Customs Document from importer and reconcile the verity of the documents and issue a receipt to importer;

b. Shall inspect the verity of the PIB hard copy by comparing PIB data and Supplementary Customs Document with PIB data in computer consisting of:

1) Number of submission of PIB;

2) Identity of importer;

3) Amount of import duty, excise duty, and PDRI;

4) Verity of license from the technical institu.tion if import requires license from institution, and if the license is not according to the existing regulations, PIB shall be returned and shall make:

i. Notification to the concerned importer to make the proper revisions;

ii. Report to Head of Customs Office that importer, within the decided time, did not meet its obligation to submit the obliged requirements for import.

c. Shall distribute the hard copy of PIB to BI and BPS;

d. Shall keep 1 (one) page of PIB and Supple.mentary Customs Documents to be consoli.dated with SSPCP and PIB that have been rati.fied by bank;

e. Shall make report to the Officer in charge of collection/repayment on Priority Tape PIB and by utilizing Regular Payment facility that has not been fully paid on due date.

2. Green Tape:

a. Shall receive hard copy of PIB in triplicate, 1 (one) original set of Supplementary Customs Document, and SSPCP from importer and shall reconcile the verity of the documents;

b. Shall record PIB data into computer and hand over a receipt to Importer if PIB documents are complete;

c. Shall inspect the verity of classification, impo.sition, and customs value and full payment of import duty, excise duty, and PDRI within not later than 3 (three) working days since date of receipt of Hard Copy of PIB, except in cer.tain cases;

d. Shall issue request of information of customs value in case of over the verity of the informed customs value;

e. Shall receive and inspect evidences of verity of customs value received from importer;

f. In case that the result of inspection and des.ignation of classification, imposition, and/or customs value performed within 30 days since date of registration of PIB results in shortages of payment of import duty, excise duty and PDRI, shall issue Revision Notes in duplicate addressed to:

1) The first page to the Officer in charge of collection/repayment at the Customs Office and shall deliver it on the first opportunity;

2) The second page shall be attached to PIB documents;

g. In case that based on result of inspection of PIB, there are shortages of payment of import duty, but the 30-day period since date of registration of PIB has been over, shall submit recommendation on performance of audit on cus.toms affairs;

h. In case that there is excess of payment of import duty, excise duty, and PDRI, shall issue Revision Notes in duplicate addressed to:

1) The first page to the Officer in charge of collection/ repayment at Customs Office;

2) The second page to be attached to PIB documents;

i. Shall keep the Green Tape PIB with Revision Notes issued and if SSPCP has been received from the Officer in Charge of Collection/Re.payment at the Customs Office, shall attach the SSPCP and PIB to be administered;

j. Shall administer PIB in accordance with Circu.lar of the Director General on Administration of Documents, Goods, and State Revenues in The Framework of Import.

O. Other provisions:

1. In case that the computer system at the Customs Office did not function for at least 4 (four) hours, the procedure for exit of import goods to be used shall be done manually by appointing an Officer to replace the functions operated by the computer applications system by enclosing evidence of de.livery of PIB data through Customs PDE and SSPCP.

2. Inspection of goods by Hi-Co Scanning is not implemented;

3. To implement the matter of paragraph 1, Head of Customs Office shall appoint:

a. Officer responsible for settlement of PIB and shall appoint:

1) Officer inspecting the verity and completeness of documents and numbering of PIB;

2) Officer designating channel for exit of goods;

3) Document Inspecting Officer;

4) Good Inspecting Officer

b. Officer responsible for recording of PIB data based on designation of channel manually;

4. The enforcement of the provisions of paragraph 1 above shall use PIB format in the importers mod.ule on PIB system of Customs PDE;

5. In case that the computer system of the Customs Office has returned to its normal functions:

a. PIB that has obtained SPPB manually shall be settled pursuant to paragraph 1 above;

b. PIB that has not obtained SPPB manually shall be returned to the computer system of the Customs Office;

c. If there are differences in designation of chan.nel between computer and manual designa.tion, as meant in paragraph 5 clause a, on PIB data that has been sent through Customs PDE, the officer designation channel for exit of goods must send a report regarding the differences to Head of Customs Office.
