No. 44/M-DAG/PER/9/2009




In view of:


To stipulate:



Article 1

In this Ministerial Regulation:


Article 2

(1) The types of B2 subject to import and distribution regulations consist of chemicals that endanger health and destroy the environment as set forth in Attachment I and Attachment II to this Ministerial Regulation.

(2) The types of B2 as described in paragraph (1) may be subject to review according to developments.

(3) The types of B2 as described in paragraph (1) can only be used according to their appropriation.

(4) The types of B2 as described in paragraph (1) are banned from being used for food, cosmetics, and food related industries.


Article 3

(1) P-B2 that will import B2 as described in Article 2 paragraph (1) shall gets IP-B2 recognition status from the Minister in this case Dirjen Daglu.

(2) To obtain IP-B2 recognition status as described in paragraph (1) P-B2 shall file a written application to the Minister in this case Dirjen Daglu, accompanied by:

(3) In connection with the written application as described in paragraph (2), Dirjen Daglu on behalf of the Minister shall issue IP-B2 recognition status no later than 5 (five) working days after the application has been received in a complete and correct manner.

(4) B2 imported by IP-B2 shall only be to meet the need from production process and shall not be sold, traded or transferred to other party.

Article 4

(1) The company named IT-B2 for the types of B2 as described in Article 2 paragraph (1) is PT (persero) Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia.

(2) Any import of B2 by the company as described in paragraph (1) shall secure import approval from Dirjen Daglu after obtaining a recommendation from the authorized official in the field of:

Article 5

IP-B2 status or IT-B2 status is valid for 1 (one) year since the date of issuance and can be extended.


Article 6

The transportation of B2 from the destination port to the IP-B2 or IT-B2 warehouse shall adhere to the procedures and provisions from the relevant agency, complete with emergency transport guide.

Article 7

(1) The types of B2 as described in Article 2 can only be distributed by P-B2r IT-B2r IP-B2, DT-B2, and PT-B2.

(2) In distributing B2 as described in paragraph (1), P-B2, IT~B2, IP-B2, DT-B2, and PT-B2 shall meet the following requirements:

(3) IT-B2 or DT-B2 can distribute B2 through the Branch Offices of their company.

Article 8

(1) The distribution of B2 by P-B2, IT-B2, DT-B2 shall be equipped with LDK/SDS as described in Attachment III to this Ministerial Regulation.

(2) B2 distributed as as described in paragraph (1) shall. Be packed using packs according to the law and the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code/United Nations Standards).

(3) The packs as described in paragraph (2) shall have labels containing the name/type of B2, name and address of P-B2 or IT-B2 or DT-B2 repacking, net weight/volume, appropriationr picktogram/danger symbol, signal words, and danger statement based on the general guide as described in Attachment IV to this Ministerial Regulation.

Article 9

(1) The type of B2 as described in Article 2 paragraph (1), Attachment II to this Ministerial Regulation, shall be distributed using packs of at least the same size as described in that Attachment.

(2) The type of repacked B2 as described in paragraph (1) shall meet the conditions as described in Article 8 paragraph (2).

(3) The repacking as described in paragraph (2) can only be done by IT-B2 for the type of imported B2 and DT-B2 for the type of locally made and/or imported B2.


Article 10

(1) The authority to issue SIUP-B2 shall be in the hands of the Minister.

(2) The Minister shall delegate the authority as described in paragraph (1) to:

(3) SIUP-B2 is valid for 3 (three) years and can be extended before the date of expiry.

(4) The original of SIUP-B2 issued by Director General of Domestic Trade as described in paragraph (2) a, is sent to the company with copies addressed to the Head of Provincial Office and the Head of Regency/Municipal Office.

(5) The original of SIUP-B2 issued by the Head of Provincial Office as described in paragraph (2) b is sent to the company with copies addressed to Director General of Domestic Trade and the Head of Regency/Municipal Office.

Article 11

(1) The application by DT-B2 for SIUP-B2 uses a form as described in Attachment V to this Ministerial Regulation and is filed to Director General of Domestic Trade by fulfilling the following requirements:

(2) The application by PT-B2 for SIUP-B2 uses a form as described in Attachment V to this Ministerial Regulation and is filled to the Head of Provincial Office by fulfilling the following requirements:

(3) If the application by DT-B2 for SIUP-B2 as described in paragraph (1) and that by PT-B2 for SIUP-B2 as described in paragraph (2) have met the requirements, Dirjen PDN issues SIUP-B2 to DT-B2 and the Head of Provincial Office issues SIUP-B2 to DT-B2 no later than 5 (five) working days after the application has been received in a complete and correct manner using a form as described in Attachment VI to this Ministerial Regulation.

(4) The distribution facility inspecting team as described in paragraph (1) e is formed by the Governor and consists of elements of provincial offices whose tasks and responsibilities cover the fields of health, industry, trade, manpower, agriculture, drug and food control, and the environment, and/or experts and other technical agencies according to the need.

(5) The storage facility-inspecting team as described in paragraph (2) c is formed by the Regent/Mayor and consists of elements of regency/municipal offices whose tasks and responsibilities cover the fields of health, industry, trade, manpower, agriculture, drug and food control, and the environment, and/or experts and other technical agencies according to the need.

(6) In carrying out its tasks the provincial inspection team br the regency/municipal inspection team as described in paragraph (4) and paragraph (5) can coordinate with the Directorate General of Domestic Trade.

Article 12

(1) The branches of the company as described in Article 7 paragraph (3), if their head office has:

(2) If the branches of the company as described in paragraph (1) do not distribute 62 from the head office of the company they can function as retailers to distribute B2 to PA-B2 by having to hold SIUP-B2 as PT-B2.

(3) In distributing 62, the branches of the company as described in paragraph (1) shall meet the following requirements:

(4) The branches of the company that meet requirements as described in paragraph (3) shall notify their head office's status of IT-B2 or SIUP-B2 as DT-B2 to the Head of Provincial Office.

(5) The Head of Office as described in paragraph (4) shall put signature and stamp on the front page of the photocopy of their head office's IT-B2 or SIUP-B2 certificate as DT-B2 no later than 3 (three) working days after the notification has been received and the requirements have been fulfilled.


Article 13

(1) IP-B2 and IT-B2 shall report the import of B2 to:

(2) The report as described in paragraph (1) shall be submitted no later than 15 (fifteen) calendar days after B2 has arrived at the port of unloading using the model of report on the import of IP-B2 and IT-B2 as described in Attachment VII to this Ministerial Regulation .

(3) IP-B2 shall report the use of B2 to the Director General of Agro Chemical Industry, Ministry of Industry, with copies addressed to:

(4) IT-B2 shall report the distribution of B2 among DT-B2, PT-B2 and/or PA-B2 to Dirjen PDN, with copies addressed to:

(5) If IT-B2 as described in paragraph (1) has branches distributing B2 from the head office of the company, the report submitted shall include the distribution of B2 by its branches.

(6) The report as described in paragraph (4) shall be submitted every 3 (three) months since the issuance date of IT-B2 status using the model of report on the distribution of imported B2 as described in Attachment III to this Ministerial Regulation.

(7) In case IT-B2 has not yet imported B2 and distributed imported B2 as described in paragraph (1) and paragraph (4), it shall remain obliged to submit a zero report.

Article 14

(1) DT-B2 shall submit a report to Director General of Domestic Trade on B2 obtained from P-B2 and/or IT-B2 as well as on B2 distributed, using the model of report as described in Attachment IX to this Ministerial Regulation, with copies addressed to:

(2) If DT-B2 as described in paragraph (1) has branches distributing B2 from the head office of the company, the report submitted shall include the distribution of B2 by its branches.

(3) PT-B2 shall submit a report on the distribution of B2 to the Head of Provincial Office using the model of report as described in Attachment X to this Ministerial Regulation, with copies addressed to:

(4) The Head of Provincial Office shall submit a recapitulation of reports as described in paragraph (3) to Director General of Domestic Trade.

(5) PA-B2 shall submit a report on B2 obtained to the Head of Regency/Municipal Office using the model of report as described in Attachment XI to this Ministerial Regulation, with copies addressed to:

(6) The Head of Regency/Municipal Office shall submit a recapitulation of reports as described in paragraph (4) to Dirjen PDN.

(7) The report as described in paragraph (1), paragraph (3), and paragraph (5) and Article 13 paragraph (6) shall be submitted every quarter of the calendar year as follows:

(8) The obligation for PA-B2 to submit a report as described in in paragraph (5) does not apply to industrial companies as IP-B2 using B2 as raw materials/auxiliary materials for their industrial activities.

Article 15

The report on the distribution of B2 as described in Article 14, for:

Article 16

(1) If DT-B2, PT-B2, and PA-B2cease their business activities, they shall report the position of B2 stocks to:

(2) The report as described in paragraph (1) shall be submitted no later than 5 (five) working days after the business activities are stopped, evident from a statement of ceased business activities from the party concerned.

(3) In case of B2 reminders at the companies as described in paragraph (1), the B2 remainders shall be returned to:


Article 17

(1) IP-B2 is prohibited to:

(2) IT-B2 is prohibited to:

Article 18

Anybody or corporate body that does not have certificate of recognition as IP-B2, IT-B2 or SIUP-B2, is prohibited to:


Article 19

The development of IP-B2, IT-B2, DT-B2, PT-B2 in distributing B2 and PA-B2 in using B2 shall be done by the Trade Minister in coordination with the relevant ministries/agencies.

Article 20

(1) The control of the distribution, packing and labeling B2 covers aspects of licensing/legality of companies, distribution of B2 (type, distribution, and stock of B2), distribution facility to ensure smooth distribution of B2, an emergency response system and expert in B2 management, reporting of B2 distributed, labels and packs of B2 and safety data sheet (SDS).

(2) The control of PA-B2 as described in paragraph (1) covers aspects of the use of B2.according to its appropriation.

Article 21

(1) The control as described in Article 20 can be done individually or jointly by the employees/officials of the Directorate General of Domestic Trade, employees/officials of the Provincial Office, Regency/Municipal Office and/or along with relevant technical agencies.

(2) The control by the employees/officials as described in paragraph (1) shall be equipped with a letter of assignment issued by the authorized officials for a certain period of time.

(3) The authorized officials as described in paragraph (2) shall be:

(4) IP-B2, IT-B2, P-B2, DT-B2, PT-B2, and PA-B2 shall give widest possible access on the truth of B2 distribution. to the employees/officials conducting the control as described in paragraph (1).

Article 22

(1) The employees/officials as described in Article 21 paragraph (2) shall submit the results of control to the official assigning them.

(2) If preliminary evidence of alleged criminal offence is found in the execution of control, the employees/officials as described in paragraph (1) shall immediately hand the finding to the investigator of the Police of the Republic of Indonesia by showing a letter of introduction from the official assigning them.


Article 23

(1) IP-B2 violating provisions in Article 3 paragraph (4), Article 6, Article 7 paragraph (2) a, Article 13 paragraph (1) and paragraph (3), Article 17 paragraph (1), is liable to administrative sanction by having its status as IP-B2 re-voked.

(2) IT-B2 violating provisions in Article 6, Article 7 paragraph (2) letter b, Article 8, Article 9 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), Article 12 paragraph (4), Article 13 paragraph (1), paragraph (4), Article 17 paragraph (2) is liable to administrative sanction by having its IT-B2 status revoked.

(3) DT-B2 violating provisions in Article 7 paragraph (2) letter d, Article 8, Article 9 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), Article 12 paragraph (2) and paragraph (4), Article 14 paragraph (1) Article 16 paragraph (1) is liable to administrative sanction by having its SIUP-B2 revoked .

(4) PT-B2 violating provisions in Article 7 paragraph (2) letter e, Article 14 paragraph (3) and Article 16 paragraph (1) is liable to administrative sanction by having its SIUP-B2 revoked.

(5) P-B2 violating provisions in Article 7 paragraph (2) c and Article 8, Article 9 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) is liable to sanction by having its technical license revoked by the authorized official.

(6) PA-B2 violating provisions in Article 14 paragraph (5) and Article 16 paragraph (1) is liable to sanction by having its technical license revoked by the authorized official.

(7) If P-B2 and PA-B2 are liable to administrative sanctions as described in paragraph (5) and paragraph (6) the Minister or appointed official shall issue a recommendation on the revocation of technical licences to the relevant agency/authorized official.

Article 24

(1) The administrative sanctions as described in Article 23 paragraph (3), paragraph (4) are imposed after written warnings have been issued 3 (three) times with an interval of 1 (one) month.

(2) The format of written warning and decision on the revocation of SIUP-B2 follows Attachment XII and Attachment XIII to this Ministerial Regulation.

Article 25

(1) IP-B2 violating provisions in Article 6, Article 8 and Article 17 paragraph (1) b and c, is liable to sanction according to the law.

(2) IT-B2 violating provisions in Article 6, Article 8 and Article 17 paragraph (2) a and b, is liable to sanction according to the law.

(3) DT-B2 violating provisions in Article 8 and Article 17 paragraph (1) and paragraph (3), is liable to sanction according to the law.

(4) The branch of company-violating provisions in Article 12 paragraph (2) is liable to sanction according to the law.

Article 26

Any individual or corporate body violating provisions in Article 18 is liable to sanction according to the law.

Article 27

(1) The type of B2 that does not meet provisions in Article 2 paragraph (4) shall be withdrawn from circulation.

(2) The withdrawal of B2 from circulation as described in paragraph (1) shall be ordered by the authorized official and the withdrawal shall be conducted by the relevant company.

(3) All expenses arising from the withdrawal of B as described in paragraph (2) shall be borne by the relevant company.


Article 28

Certificates of recognition as IP-B2, appointment as IT-B2, approval of B2, SIUP-B2 for DT-B2 and SIUP-B2 for PT-B2 issued before the issuance of this Ministerial Regulation shall remain valid until their date of expiry.


Article 29

Provisions on the implementation of this Ministerial Regulation and technical matters that have not been provided for in this Ministerial Regulation are to be stipulated by:


Article 30

When this Ministerial Regulation begins to take effect:

Article 31

This Ministerial Regulation shall come into force 60 (sixty) days after the date of stipulation.

For public cognizance, this Ministerial Regulation shall be promulgated by placing it in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
on September 15, 2009