NO. KEP-06/BC/1999



1. Notification of Shortage of Payment of Import duty, Excise, Administration fine and Taxes for Import (SPKPBM) shall be issued by Head of Customs and Excise Service Office in order to collect Import duty and/or Excise and/or Administration fine and/or Taxes for import not/ less paid.

2. SPKPBM shall be made by Treasury Section based on:

3. Prior analysis shall be carried out concerning validity of payable customs calculation in Note on Verification Findings/results of Post Audit.

4. Before sending SPKPBM to Customs/Excise Bearer, it must first be registered in Special Record for SPKPBM.

5. SPKPBM shall be delivered by Mail or Courier.

II. Settlement of SPKPBM

Settlement of SPKPBM may be made at Perceptive Foreign Exchange Bank or through Treasurer of Customs and Excise at Customs Office issuing SPKBM.

1. Settlement through Perceptive Foreign Exchange Bank.

1.1. For Customs/Excise Bearer

1.2. For Perceptive Foreign Exchange Bank

2. Settlement through Customs and Excise Service Office

2.1. For Customs/Excise Bearer

2.2. For Treasurer of Customs and Excise

III. Issuance of Warning Letter

1. Warning Letter (ST) is issued by Head of Customs and Excise Service Office to Customs/Excise Bearer in case Customs/Excise Bearer not yet settled settle the debt after 30 (thirty) days as of issuance of SPKPBM (due date) plus 7 (seven) days. The Warning Letter is made pursuant to model form in Appendix IV (BCF 3.1.P) hereof.

2. Warning Letter is made in 4 (four) copies

3. Issuance of Warning Letter is recorded in Special Register for SPKPBM.

4. If after issuance of Warning Letter Customs/Excise Bearer settle invoice debt, the Procedures of settlement refers to point II.

5. Warning Letter is delivered by Mail or Courier.

IV.A. Issuance of Compel Letter

Procedures of Collection of Customs/Excise debt with Compel Letter are as follows:

1. Customs and Excise Bailiff checks Special Register SPKPBM of which the Customs/Excise Bearer has not yet settled the debt after issuance of Warning Letter until the elapsing of 21 (twenty one) days.

2. Customs and Excise Bailiff makes Compel Letter using Form in Appendix V hereof (BC.3.3.P) through Head of Collection and Repayment Sub Section and the Head of Treasury Section forwards it to Head of Customs and Excise Service Office for signature.

3. Compel Letter is made in 4 (four) copies

from the original one copy is made for Customs/Excise Bearer ; please note Explanation of LAW No. 19/1997 article 10 paragraph (1) and (2). Copies are legalized by Head of Treasury Section.

4. Number and date of Compel Letter is recorded in Special Register for Collection with Compel Letter.

5. Bailiff carries out collection with Compel Letter.Procedures of collection of Customs/Excise debt using Compel Letter are as follows:

6. Notification of Compel Letter to late Customs/Excise Bearer.

Concerning this matter, provision in article 10 paragraph (3) point c and d of Law Number 19/1997 divides into 2 (two) categories, namely:

7. Biaya Penyampaian SP.

8. Compel Letter that has been done should be submitted to Head of Collection and Repayment Sub Section along with Report on Implementation of Compel Letter/ Appendix VIII (BCL.3.5.P) and forwarded to Head of Treasury Section for signature and then entered to the Collection File of Customs/Excise Bearer concerned by first recording the date of Implementation of Compel Letter in the Special Register for Collection and the Compel Letter.

In implementing the SP Bailiff should as long as possible take into account the condition of household/Company of Customs/Excise Bearer in order to gain information in the framework of taking next steps..

9. Laporan Pelaksanaan Surat Paksa : Lampiran VIII (BCL.3.5.P)

IV.B. Follow Up of Collection with Compel Letter.

1. Issuance of Order for Confiscation.

1.1. If after elapsing two times twenty four hours as of date of Notification of Compel Letter, Customs/Excise Bearer still does not settle his/her indebted Tax, then Confiscation may be carried out over Customs/Excise Bearer's assets by Head of KPBC by issuing Order for Confiscation (Form BCF.3.8.P).

Date and number of Order for Confiscation are recorded in the Special Register of collection with the Compel Letter concerned.

1.2. Before performing Confiscation of Customs/Excise Bearer's assets or company's assets, Bailiff should collect and learn data concerning assets to confiscate. The data may be obtained from among other things:

1.3. Ion performing Confiscation, the following provisions should be observed:

1.4. Dalam hal membuat BAS harus memperlihatkan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

1.5. Movables confiscated may be left in Customs/Excise Bearer's custody and such matter is notified to Police who shall guard the guard from theft.

1.6. Bailiff notifies Customs/Excise bearer the purpose of Confiscation, namely that the properties confiscated will be sold in an auction under mediation of State Auction House if Customs/Excise Bearer does not settle the Customs/Excise debt. One page of the Minutes should be posted in public area or places where movables and fixed assets of Customs/Excise Bearer are confiscated. The posting should be considered as notification of the purpose of Bailiff's action upon Customs/Excise Bearer.

1.7. in addition to posting of Minutes of Confiscation, then Confiscation Seal/Excerpt of Minutes of Confiscation (Form BCF.3.11.P.) should also be patched to the confiscated goods.

1.8. Confiscation of fixed assets should be registered to local Land Office /Administrator of Port/District Court by furnishing the Notification of Confiscation of Fixed Assets in the name of Customs/Excise Bearer (Form BCF.3.13.P.) enclosing copy of Minutes of Confiscation (BCF.3.9.P).

1.9. Procedures of Confiscation of Fixed Assets:

1.10. Minutes of Confiscation should be made in 3 (three)

1.11. Announcement by Local Government.

1.12. Confiscation of goods outside the territory of KPBC.

1.13. Confiscation of properties that had been first confiscated by other people.

1.14. Confiscation in the absence of Customs/Excise Bearer. In practice, it is often found that Customs/Excise Bearer is absence during confiscation.

1.15. Bailiff is kept outside the house.

1.16. Bailiff is prevented from confiscating the properties of Customs/Excise Bearer.

1.17. Customs/Excise Bearer or His/Her Representative declines to sign Minutes of Confiscation.

1.18. Proofing of properties not belong to Customs/Excise Bearer.

1.19. Confiscation of Unregistered Fixed Assets.

1.20. Patching/Sealing of confiscated goods.

There is no provision that the confiscated goods should be sealed and or patched with announcement of Confiscation. The provision is that the copy or copies of Minutes of Confiscation should be posted in public area or in places where movables or fixed assets belong to Customs/Excise Bearer are confiscated. However, in order that the aim and purpose of the Confiscation succeeded as intended then Confiscation Seal (Form BCF 3.11.P.) summarizing the contents of minutes of confiscation is patched to the confiscated goods.

1.21. Confiscation Costs.

2. Issuance of Confiscation Revocation.

If Customs/Excise Bearer has settled the Customs/Excise debt before request for stipulation of confiscation date is proposed then Head of Customs and Excise Service Office should issue Confiscation Revocation Letter (Form BCF. 3.12.P.).

3. Issuance of Request fot Schedule and Place of Auction.

If after the elapsing of 14 (fourteen) days as of date of Implementation of Order for Confiscation, Customs/Excise Bearer has not settled the Customs/Excise debt then Head of Customs and Excise Service Office proposes request for stipulation of date and place of Auction to local State Auction House (Form BCF. 3.17.P.).

4. Issuance of Notification of Auction/Last Chance.

After obtaining certainty on date and place of Auction, Bailiff notifies the matter to Customs/Excise Bearer immediately and in writing by delivering Notification of Auction/Last Chance to Customs/Excise Bearer.

5. Auction.

If Notification of Auction/Last Chance has been given to Customs/Excise Bearer and it appears that Customs/Excise debt is not settled then Auction is carried out for confiscated properties of Customs/Excise Bearer.

5.1. Preparation for Auction.

5.2. Making Auction Announcement.

5.3. Cancellation of Auction Announcement.

If Customs/Excise Bearer settles the indebted Customs/Excise and the Implementation Costs after the Auction Announcement has been published in newspaper/printed media/electronic media but before the day of Auction, then the Auction Announcement should be cancelled by publishing advertisement of Auction Cancellation in the same newspaper/printed media/electronic media.

The cancellation of Auction Announcement may only be carried out if Customs/Excise Bearer shows Receipt of payment of Customs/Excise debt and the Implementation Costs.

5.4. During Auction.

Bailiff comes to the auction house to accompany Auctioneer.

A minute before the Auction is started Bailiff should ask the Customs/Excise Bearer whether the Customs/Excise debt will be settled. If the Customs/Excise Bearer is able and willing to settle the Customs/Excise debt then Auction is cancelled, otherwise the Auction will be immediately started. During Auction it is better for Head of Customs and Excise Service Office concerned or his/her Representative to attend right on stipulated time to start Auction.

Auctioneer announces to prospective buyers concerning requirements to satisfy and ways of bidding.

Customs/Excise Bearer reserves the right to determine of sequence of goods to sell at the Auction. If the result of the sale has reached the amount of indebted Customs/Excise and the Implementation Costs, then the sale should be stopped and the remainders of the goods should immediately be returned to Customs/Excise Bearer. After the Auction has been done, the State Auction House, Bailiff, or person in charge of selling the confiscated goods reports to Head of Customs and Excise Service Office by preparing Report on the Result of Implementation Auction.

5.5. Effects of Auction

Upon the sale of the confiscated goods, then the title for the goods are transferred from Customs/Excise Bearer to the buyer with accepted bidding, immediately after the said buyer fulfill the conditions of the purchase. He/she will be provided with certificate that he/she has fulfilled the conditions by Auction House or person in charge of making the sale. If the person exposed to confiscation refuses to leave fixed assets sold at the Auction, then Judge of District Court should issue written order to a person authorized to exercise the Order and make efforts so that the fixed assets are evacuated by the person exposed to confiscation and the family along with the properties belong to him/her with the help of Registrar of District Court or other employees appointed by Judge, if necessary with the help of state apparatus.

5.6. Result of Auction

V. Notification of Credit Taxes for import to KPP.

1. If within 21 (twenty one) days as of issuance of Warning Letter (ST) Customs/Excise Bearer has not settled his/her obligation, then the Head of Customs and Excise Service Office notifies the credit of taxes for import to KPP in the domicile of Customs/Excise Bearer for further process pursuant to prevailing provision.

2. Notification of Credit Tax to KPP is recorded in Special Register for SPKPBM;

3. Credit Tax notifies to KPP does not need monitoring any longer (considered done).

VI. Objection and Appeal

1. If for issuance of SPKPBM, Customs/Excise Bearer minds because of he/she believes that he/she does not make mistakes, then Customs/Excise Bearer may ask for explanation or give respond to the Head of Customs and Excise Service Office issuing SPKPBM either concerning issuance of SPKPBM or against the amount claimed, before 30 (thirty) days.

2. For the said request for explanation as mention in point 1, the Head of Customs and Excise Service Office is obliged to give explanation at the latest 5 (five) business days as of receiving Request for Explanation concerned.

3. If for explanation from the Head of Customs and Excise Service Office, Customs/Excise Bearer still has objection, Customs/Excise Bearer may propose objection to the Director General of Customs and Excise provided that:

4. Director General of Customs and Excise is obliged to issue Decision on Approval or Refusal for objection proposed by Customs/Excise Bearer, within 60 (sixty) days as of receiving the objection in full.

If within 60 (sixty) days as of receiving the proposal of objection there is no decision, then objection should be deemed accepted.

5. If Customs/Excise Bearer objection is declined, then the security is cleared and credit invoice is considered paid off.

6. If Decision of Director General of Customs and Excise declines proposal of objection of Customs/Excise Bearer, then Customs/Excise Bearer may apply for appeal to Tax Dispute Arbitrary Board (BPSP) provided that:

VII. Special Register for SPKPBM

Special Register for SPKPBM should at least have columns as follows:

VIII. Special Register for Implementation of Collection with Compel Letter

Special Register for Implementation of Collection with Compel Letter should at least have columns as follows:

Director General
DR. RB. Permana Agung, MSc
NIP 060044475.