No. 4/8/PBI/2002


An effective monetary policy is needed to maintain the stable rupiah. To that end, efforts must be made to minimize the chance of certain parties to reap as much profit as possible from borderless rupiah trading because the practice has an adverse impact on the effective monetary policy. On the other hand, to strengthen the public confidence in the rupiah, efforts must be made to control the circulation of counterfeit bank notes in the community by preventing the inflow of counterfeit rupiah from countries.

Law No. 23/1999 on Bank Indonesia, particularly Article 3, paragraph (1) stipulates that anybody is barred from bringing a certain amount of the rupiah out of or into the customs territory of the Republic of Indonesia without any permit from Bank Indonesia.

Based on the mandate of Law No. 23/1999 on Bank Indonesia, Bank Indonesia has set the requirements for bringing the rupiah out of or into the customs territory of the Republic of Indonesia through Regulation of Bank Indonesia No. 3/18/PBI/2001 dated October 17, 2001 on the requirements and procedures for bringing the rupiah out of or into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

With the promulgation of Law No. 15/2002 dated April 17, 2002 on Money Laundering, to prevent an overlap in the implementation of the law as well as to give legal certainty to the public, the existing requirements and procedures for bringing the rupiah out of or into the customs territory of the Republic of Indonesia need to be adjusted to Law No. 15/2002.


Article 1 up to Article 3

Sufficiently clear

Article 4

Paragraph (1)

Letter a up to Letter b

Sufficiently clear

Letter c

The public interests referred to herein mean the interests of the nation and the country and/or the interests of the general public, for instance, the rupiah is brought out the customs territory of the Republic of Indonesia for the purpose of examining the originality of money due to the fact that the machine for testing the originality of money is not found at home.

The authority to issue the permit in question rests on the Director of the Directorate of Foreign Affairs of Bank Indonesia.

Paragraph (2)

1 (one) use means being used for 1 (one) trip.

Article 5

Paragraph (1)

Bank Indonesia permits are issued by the Directorate of Foreign Affairs of the Head Office of Bank Indonesia, or the local office of Bank Indonesia.

Paragraph (2) up to Paragraph (4)

Sufficiently clear

Paragraph (5)

The reply of Bank Indonesia can be the granting of permit or the rejection of application for a permit.

Article 6

Paragraph (1) up to Paragraph (3)

Sufficiently clear

Article 7

Paragraph (1)

If it turns out that the rupiah brought out of or into the customs territory of the Republic of Indonesia is counterfeit bank notes, the fines must continue to be paid using the original rupiah.

Paragraph (2) and Paragraph (3)

Sufficiently clear

Article 8 up to Article 12

Sufficiently clear