No. 757/MPP/Kep/12/2003


No. Tariff Headings Descriptions of Goods
1. 01.02 Live bovine animals
0102.10.000 - Pure-bred breeding animals
0102.90 -Other
0102.90.110 --Cattle
0102.90.190 ---Weighing not more than 350 kg
0102.90.900 --Other
2. 01.04 Live sheep and goats
0104.10 -Sheep
0104.10.100 -- Pure-bred breeding animals
0104.10.900 --Other
0104.20 - Goats
0104.20.100 -- Pure-bred breeding animals
0104.20.900 --Other
3. 02.01 Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled
0201.10.000 - Carcasses and half-carcasses
0201.20.000 - Other cuts with bone in
0201.30.000 - Boneless
4. 02.02 Meat of bovine animals, frozen
0202.10.000  Carcasses and half-carcasses
0202.20.000 - Other cuts with bone in
0203.30.000 - Boneless
5. Meats of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen
02.04 - Carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb, fresh or chilled
0204.10.000 - Other meat of sheep, fresh or chilled:
--Carcasses and half-carcasses
0204.21.000 --Other cuts with bone in
0204.2 2.000 -- Boneless
0204.2 3.000 --Carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb,   frozen
0204.30.000 --Other meat of sheep, frozen
0204.41.000 --Carcasses and half-carcasses
0204.42.000 --Other cuts with bone in
0204.43.000 -- Boneless
0204.50.000 - Meat of goat
6. 02.06 Edible offal of bovine animals; swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen
0206.10.000 - Of bovine animals, fresh or chilled
- Of bovine animals, frozen
0206.2 1.000 --Tongues
0206.2 2.000 -- Livers
7. Ex 02.10 Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal
0210.20.000 - Of bovine animal
- Other, including edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal
0210.91 -- Of primate
0210.91.000 ---Salted or in brine
0210.90.000 ---Brine
0504.00.300 - Fresh, chilled or frozen
0504.00.900 - Other
0504.00.300 - Fresh, Chilled or Frozen
0504.00.900 - Other
9. Ex. 05.06 Bones and horn-cores, unworked, de¬fatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape), treated with acid or degelati¬nised, powder and waste of these prod¬ucts (ex. bovine animal, goat and sheep)
0504.10.000 - Ossein and bones treated acid
0504.90.000 -Other
10. Ex. 05.11 Animal products not elsewhere speci¬fied or included, dead animals of Chap¬ter 1 or 3, unfit for human consump¬tion (ex. bovine animals, goat and sheep)
10. Ex. 05.11 Animal products not elsewhere speci¬fied or included, dead animals of Chap¬ter 1 or 3, unfit for human consump¬tion (ex. bovine animals, goat and sheep)
0511.10.000 - Bovine semen
0511,99 - Other
-- Semen
0511.99.110 ---Of swine, goats and sheep
0511.99.190 ---Other
0511.99. 200 -- Sinews and tendons
11. 15.01 Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, other than those of heading no. 15.03
- Raw fat of bovine animals, sheep or goats
1502.00.110 - Inedible raw fats of bovine animals for making soap
1502.00.190 -Other
1502.00.200 - Fat rendered, whether or not solvent¬ extracted (including premier jus) ob¬tained from those raw fats
1502.00.900 -Other
12. Ex 15.16 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, partly or wholly hydro¬genated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or eladinised, whether or not refined but not further prepared (ex. Bovine animals, goats and sheep)
1516.10 -Animal fats and oils and their frac¬tions
1516.10. 100 - In package of 10 kgs or more
1516.10.900 - Other
13. Ex 15.17 Margarine, edible mixtures or prepa¬rations of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils of this chapter, other than edible fats or oils or their fractions of head¬ing No. 15.15 (ex bovine animal, goats
and sheep)
1517.10 - Margarine, excluding liquid margarine
15 17.10.100 -- In airtight container
1517.10.900 -- Other
-- Other
1517.90.920 --Of animal origin
1517.90.930 --Of mixed vegetable and animal origin
14. Ex 16.01 Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood, food prepa¬rations based on these products (ex bovine animal, goats and sheep)
1601.00.100 - Fresh, chilled or frozen
1601.00.900 -Other
15. Ex 1602 Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood (ex bovine animal, goats and sheep)
1602.10.000 - Homogenized preparations
1602.20.000 - Of liver of animal
1602.50.000 - Of bovine animal
1602.90 - Other, including preparations of ani¬mal blood
1602.90.100 --Other prepared or preserved meat and meat offal m airtight container 
1602.90.900 --Other
16. Ex 21.04 Soups and broths and preparations therefore; homogenized composite food preparations (ex bovine animal, goats and sheep)
2104.10 -Soups and broths and preparations therefore
2104.10.100 --Soups and broths in liquid, solid or powder
2104.10.900 --Other
2104.20.900 - Homogenized composite food prepa¬rations
17 Ex 21.05 Food preparations not elsewhere speci¬fied or included (ex bovine animal, goats and sheep)
2108.10.000 -Protein concentrates and textured protein substances
18. Ex 23.01  Flours, meals and pellets of meat or meat offal, of fish or of crustacean, molluscs or other aquatic inverte¬rbrates, unfit for human consumption, greaves (ex bovine animal, goats and sheep)
2301.10 - Flours, meals and pellets of meat or meat offal, greaves:
2301.10.100 - Meat meal
2301.10.900 - Other
19. Ex 23.09 Preparations of a kind used for animal feeding (ex bovine animal, goats and sheep) 
2309.10.000 - Dog or cat food in package, put up for retail sale
2309.90  - Other
2309.90.100 -- Sweetened forage -- Preparations of a kind used for ani¬mal feeding --Complete feed
2309.90.912 --- For swine 
2309.90.914  ---Milk replacer 
2309.90.916 ---Shrimp fry feed m packing of a not weight of not more than 1 kg
2309.90.919 ---Other --Complete feed
2309.90.922  ---Containing antibiotic preparations 
2309.90.923  ---For shrimp feed
2309.90.929 ---Other ---Other 
2309.90.991 ---Meat bone meal and hydrolyzed feather meal
2309.90.999 -Other
