
No. 01/M-DAG/PER/1/2007

1.   Plantation Product
  09.01 coffee, whether or not roasted or decaffeinated; coffee husks and skins; coffee substitutes, containing coffee in any proportion
- Coffee, not roasted
  0901.11 -- Not decaffeinated
  0901.11.10.00 -- Arabica WIB or Robusta OIB
  0901.11.90.00 -- Other
  0901.12 -- Decaffeinated
  0901.12.10.00 -- Arabica WIB or Robusta OIB
  0901.12.90.00 -- Other
-- Coffee, roasted
  0901.21 -- Not decaffeinated
  0901.21.10.00 -- In non-powder form
  0901.21.20.00 -- In powder form
  0901.22 -- Decaffeinated
  0901.22.10.00 -- In non-powder form
  0901.22.20.00 -- In powder form
  0901.90.00.00 - Others
  2101.11 -- Extract, essence and concentrate
  2101.11.10.00 -- Instant Coffee
  2101.11.90.0 -- Others
  2101.12.00.00 -- Processed with the base of extract, essence or concentrate or processed with the base of coffee
2.   Forestry Product
  Ex. 1401.20.00.00 - Mixed rattans resulting from cultivation, roughly rubbed, unwashed, smoker or sulfured, of the taman/sega or rattan irit kinds with a diameter of 4-16 cm
  Ex. 1401.20.00.00 - Semi-finished rattans in the form of polished rattan, rattan cores, and rattan bark with the raw material coming from cultivated rattan of the taman/sega and rattan irit kinds
  4404.10.00.00 - Coniferous tree ( chip wood )
  4404.20.00.00 - Non coniferous tree (chip wood)
  44.08 Veneer sheets and sheets for plywood (whether or not spliced) and other wood sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or finger-jointed, of a thickness not exceeding 6 mm
  44.09 Wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled) continuously shaped (tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered, V-jointed, beaded, molded, rounded or the like) along any of its edges or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or finger-jointed
  44.10 Particle board and similar board of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not agglomerated with resins or other organic binding substances
  44.11 Fiberboard of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not bounded with resins or other organic substances
  44.12 Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood
  4413.00.00.00 Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or profile shapes
  4414.00.00.00 Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects
  44.15 Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packing, of wood, cable drums of wood, pallets, box pallets and other load boards of wood
  44.16 Casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers' products and parts thereof, of wood, including staves
  44.17 Tools, tool bodies, tool handles, broom or brush bodies and handles, of wood, boot or shoe lasts and trees of wood
  44.18 Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood, including cellular woods panels, assembled parquet panels, shingles and shakes
  4419.00.00.00 Tableware and kitchenware of wood
  4421.90.20.00 Match splints
  4421.90.50.00 Wood paving block
  Ex. 4601.20.10.00 Rattan plaits and matting
  Ex. 4601.20.20.00 Other of rattan (mats, screen)
  Ex. 4601.91.10.00 Plaits and similar products of plaited rattan
  Ex. 4602.10.00.00 Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles made directly to shape from plaited rattan
  9401.50.10.00 -- Rattan seats
  9401.61 -- Others seats of wooden frame, upholstered
  9401.61.10.00 -- Assembled
  9401.61.20.00 -- Not assembled
  9401.69 --Others
  9401.69.10.00 --Assembled
  9401.69.20.00 -- Not assembled
  9401.80.90.00 -- Other seats, of wood or plaited materials
  Ex. 9401.90.19.00 -- Parts of seats, of wood or plaited rattan
  9403.30 -- Wooden furniture usually used in office
  9403.30.10.00 -- Assembled
  9403.30.20.0 0 -- Not assembled
  9403.40 -- Wooden furniture of a kind used in kitchen
  9403.40.10.00 -- Assembled
  9403.40.20.00 -- Not assembled
  9403.50 -- Wooden furniture of a kind used in bedroom
-- Bedroom apparatuses
  9403.50.11.00 -- Assembled
  9403.50.19.00 -- Not assembled
  9403.60 -- Other wooden furniture
-- Dining room and family-room furniture
  9403.60.11.00 -- Assembled
  9403.60.19.00 -- Not assembled
Fume cupboard for the need of medical laboratory
  9403.60.21.00 -- Assembled
  9403.60.29.00 -- Not assembled
-- Board used for check in at airport and station
  9403.60.31.00 -- Assembled
  9403.60.39.00 -- Not assembled
-- Other
  9403.60.91.0 -- Assembled
  9403.60.99.0 -- Not assembled
  9403.80.10.00 -- of rattan
  9403.90.00.00 -- Parts of goods in sub heading
  9403 9406.00.92.00 -- Pre-fabricating building of wood
3.   Industrial products
  2915.24.00.00 Anhydride acetate
  2916.34.00.00 Phenyl acetate acid and salt
  2939.63.00.00 Lisergate acid and salt
  2924.23.00.00 Acid 2-Acetamidobenzoat (acid N acetylamtranilat) and salt
  2939.41.00.00 Ephedrine and salt
  2939.61.00.00 Ergometrin (INN) and salt
  2939.62.00.00 Ergotamine (INN) and salt
  2914.31.00.00 Phenylaceton (phynilpropan 2-on)
  2932.91.00.00 Isosafrol
  2841.61.00.00 Kalium permanganate
  2932.92.00.00 - 1(1,3-Benzodioksol-5-yl)
  2939.49.00 Other
  2939.49.00.10 Phenylpropanolamin HCI (PPA)
  2939.49.00.90 Other
Teofilin and aminofilin (teofil-ethylene diamine) and derivate; salt
  2932.93.00.00 Piperonal
  2939.42.00.00 Pseudoefedrin (INN) and salt
  2932.94.00.00 Safrol
  2922.43.00.00 Antranilate acid and salt
  2806.10.00.00 Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloride acid)
  28.07 Sulphate acid; oleum
  2807.00.10.00 Sulphate acid of copper smelter
  2807.00.90.00 Other
  2914.11.00.00 Acetone
  2909.11 Diethyl eter
  2909.11.10.00 - Pharmaceutical quality
  2909.11.90.00 - Other
  2914.12.00.00 Butanone (methyl ethyl keton)
  2933.32.00.00 Piper dine and salt
  2902.30.00.00 Toluene
4.   Minerals
  71.02 Diamond, whether worked or not, but not minted or set
  7102.10.00.00 - Unsorted of Industry
  7102.21.00.00 -- Un worked and simply swan, cleaved or bruited
  7102.29.00.00 -- Other Non Industry
  7102.31.00.00 -- Un worked and simply swan, cleaved or bruited
  7102.39.00.00 -- Other
  80.01 Unwrought tin
  8001.10.00.00 - Not alloyed
  8001.20.00.00 - Alloyed
1.   Animal Husbandry Products
  01.02 Live bovine animals
  0102.10.00.00 - Pure bred breeding animals
  Ex. 0102.90.10.00 - Not pure bred breeding animals
  Ex. 0102.90.20.00 - Buffaloes
  4103.20 Crocodile leather in the wet blue form
  0106.90.91.00 Unprotected wild animals and natural plants coming into Appendix II of CITES, alive or
  0106.90.99.00 dead, parts thereof, results or article thereof
2.   Fishery Product
Live fish
  Ex. 0301.10.10.00 - Fish fry of Napoleon Wrasse Fish (Cheilinus Undulatus )
  Ex. 0301.10.20.00 - Napoleon Wrasse Fish (Cheilinus Undulatus )
  Ex. 0301.99.21.00 - Seed of Bandeng Fish (nener)
3.   Plantation Product
  Ex. 1207.10.00.00 Palm Kernel
4.   Minerals
  27.09 Petroleum and oil obtained from bituminous minerals, crude
  27.10 Petroleum and oil obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude, preparations not specified or included elsewhere, containing oil obtained from bituminous mineral, containing by weight 70% or more of the petroleum oil; these oils constitute basic constituents of the preparation, oil waste
  27.11 Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons
  27.12 Petroleum jelly, paraffin wax, microcrystalline petroleum wax, slack wax, ozokerites, lignite wax, peat wax, other mineral waxes, and similar products obtained by synthesis or other processes, whether or not coloured
  27.13 Petroleum coke, petroleum bitumen and other residues of petroleum oil or of oil obtained from bituminous minerals
  26.16 Precious metal ores and concentrates
  2616.10.00.00 Silver ores and concentrates
  71.06 Silver (including silver plated with gold or platinum), unwrought or in semi-manufactured form, or in powder form
  7106.10.00.00 - Powder
  7106.91.00.00 - Unwrought
  7106.92.00.00 - Semi-finished
  71.07 - Gold (including gold plated with platinum), unwrought or in semi-finished form or in powder
- Not coin money
  7108.11.00.00 - Powder
  7108.12 - Other unwrought form
  7108.12.10.00 - In lumps, ingots and cast bars
  7108.12.90.00 - Other
5.   Industrial Products
  3102.10.00.00 Urea fertilizer
Ferrous waste and scrap, remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel (especially for those coming from Batam Island)
  7204.10.00.00 Waste and scrap of cast iron
  7204.29.00.00 Waste and scrap of alloy steel
  7204.30.00.00 Waste and scrap of iron or steel coated with tin
  7204.41.00.00 Other waste and scrap in the form of turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust, fillings, trimmings and stampings whether or not in bundles
  7204.49.00.00 Other waste and scrap in the form of other than turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust, filling, trimmings and stampings whether or not in bundles
  7204.50.00.00 Waste and scrap of remelting ingots and scrap of:
  7204.21.00.00 - Stainless steel
  7204.00.00.00 - Copper
  Ex. 7207.21 - Iron or non alloyed steel
  7602.00.00.00 - Aluminum
1.   Fishery products
  Ex. 0301.10.10.00 - Arowana fish fry (Scleropages formasus and Scleropages Jadini)
  Ex. 0301.10.30.00 - Arowana fish (Scleropages formasus and Scleropages Jadini)
  Ex. 0301.92.00.00 - Sidat Fish fry (Anguilla spp) of a size below 5 mm
  Ex. 0301.10.30.00 -- Fresh-water ornamental fish of Botia Maccracanthus species, of a size 15 cm and more
  ex.0306.29.10.00 Crayfish, of a size below 8 cm
  Ex. 0306.29.20.00 -- Pemaeidae shrimp (parent and prospective parent)
2.   Forestry product
  Ex. 1401.20.00.00 Mixed rattan resulting from natural forest, of manau, batang, lambang, pulut, tohiti, semambu and other kinds, roughly rubbed, unwashed, smoked or sulfured
  Ex. 1401.20.00.00 Semi-finished rattan, polished, rattan cores and barks with the raw material coming from mixed rattan obtained from natural forests
  44.03 Logs, namely parts of trees cut into stalks or stalks free from branch, of a diameter of 30 cm at the minimum and unlimited length, of all kinds of timber
  44.03 up 44.04 Timber chip materials, with a diameter of 29 and less and unlimited length, of all kinds of timber
  44.06 Railway or tramway sleeper, of wood
  44.07 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or finger-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm, with the width and length not restricted, of all kinds of timber, excluding timber products already processed through klindry, finger jointed machine and molder
3.   Minerals
  25.05 Natural sand of all kind, color or not, other than metallic sand of Chapter 26
  2505.10.00.00 Silica and quartz sand
  2505.90.00.00 Other
  Ex. 2505.90.00 - Sea sand
  25.08 Other clay (excluding clay in Heading 68.06), andalusite, kyanite and silimanite, whether calcified or not, mullite, chamotte soil
  2512.00.00.00 Diatomea soil (such as kieselguhr, tripolite and diatomite) and soil of the same kind containing silica, whether calcified or not, with gravity one or less
  Ex. 2530.90.90.00 Top soil (including surface soil)
  2609.00.00.00 Tin ores or concentrates
  26.20 Dust and residue (other those for producing iron steel), containing arsen, metal or their compound.
- Others
  2620.99.10.00 - Mainly those containing tin (amang plant, tinslag or tailing)
  71.03 Precious stones (other than diamond) and semi-precious stones, whether or not worked, or graded but not strung, mounted or set; un graded precious stones (other than diamond) and semi-precious stones, temporarily strung for convenience of transport
  7103.10.00.00 - Un worked or simply sawn or roughly shaped
  7103.91.00.00 - Ruby, sapphire and emerald
  7103.99.00.00 - Other, including precious stones and semi-precious stones (other than diamond) resulting from wood fossil
  71.04 Synthetic or reconstructed precious-stones and semi-precious stones, worked or whether graded or not, not mounted or set, synthetic or reconstructed precious-stones, not graded, temporarily strung for the convenience of transport.
  7104.10 - Piezo electric quartz
  7104.10.10.00 - Un worked
  7104.10.20.0 - Worked
  7104.20.00.00 - Others, not worked or simply swan or roughly shaped
  7104.90.00.00 - Others
5.   Plantation Product
  4001.22 Technically specified natural rubber not fulfilling the quality standard of SIR
  4001.29 Remailing and smoke house materials in the form of:
- Slabs, lumps, scraps, ground rubber- Un smoked sheet- Blanket sheet- Smoked lower than the quality of 1 IV- Blanket D off- Cutting C- Remilled 4- Flat bark crepe
6.   Animal Husbandry Products
  Ex. 4103.20 Reptile raw skins, pickled and wet blue (excluding crocodile skin in wet blue form), skins of wide animals and natural plants protected and coming into Appendices I and III CITES, alive, dead, parts thereof, results thereof and articles thereof
7.   Industrial Products
  Ferrous waste and scrap, ingots of iron or steel remilling (except those coming from Batam Island)
  7204.10.00.00 Waste or scrap of cast iron
  7204.29.00.00 Waste or scrap of tin-coated iron or steel
  7204.30.00.00 Other waste and scrap tin-coated steel
  7204.41.00.00 Other waste and scrap in the form of turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust, fillings, trimmings and stampings whether or not in bundles
  7204.49.00.00 Other waste and scrap in the form of other than turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust, filling, trimmings and stampings whether or not in bundles
  7204.50.00.00 Waste and scrap of ingots resulting from remilling of scrap
8.   Cultural Goods