NO. 27/2002


In line with the development of nuclear science and technology, utilization of nuclear power has had a wider scope, in the fields of research, agriculture, health, industry, and so forth. The utilization of nuclear power has positive side for the improvement of prosperity and welfare of the people and it is potential to cause the danger of radiation on workers, the public, and the environment. The source of the danger of radiation is, among other things, resulted. from radioactive waste caused by the operations of nuclear installations and radiation facilities.

Radioactive waste needs to be managed in order to prevent danger and its impact on workers, the public, and the environment. Radioactive waste management shall be performed in compliance with safety aspect, technical aspect in the form of reduction of volume and activity of radioactive waste, and economic aspect.

Producers of radioactive waste shall have the duty to collect, group, and store temporarily low and medium level radioactive waste. But for the management of which, producers of radioactive waste shall not self-process the waste produced by them, except it complies with technical and administrative requirements to perform processing. The radioactive waste produced must be delivered to the implementing agency for further processing.

Management of radioactive waste is construed as an activity comprising of collection, grouping, processing, transportation, temporary and permanent storage, and/or removal of radioactive waste. The activities of collecting until temporary storage of low and medium-level radioactive waste may be done partially by producers of waste or by other parties who are appointed by and/or cooperate with the implementing agency. Producers of high-level radioactive waste shall only be allowed to store temporarily and permanently the waste. Storage and permanent storage may only be performed by the implementing agency.

And, management of high level radioactive waste shall entirely be performed by the implementing agency considering that safety rules in the processing of high-level radioactive waste must be fulfilled in order to guarantee health and safety of workers, the public, and the environment from the danger of radiation.

The management of radioactive waste shall be done in compliance with the following matters:

Radioactive waste can be classified into various ways, and, in general, the classification of which is made by combining the said various ways.

For example, in Great Britain, classification of radioactive waste is based upon a method of removal and in the United States, classification is made in the form of low and high-level radioactive waste.

Thus, there has been no way of classifying, which is accepted internationally.

But, in Europe, Canada, and Indonesia, in accordance with Law No. 10/1997 on nuclear power, radioactive waste can be classified into three (3) categories, i.e. low, medium, and high-level radioactive waste.

This regulation is intended to enforce Law No. 10/1997 on nuclear power.


Article 1


Article 2

Other mines mean non-nuclear excavated materials mines, tailings and subsidiary minerals of which containing radioactive.

Article 3

Justifications principle is that each activity of utilizing radioactive or source of radiation may only be done if it yields more benefit to an individual touched by radiation, or to the public, compared to losses due to radiation, which possibly caused by it.

This should comply with social, economic, and other suitable factors. In performing evaluation, the estimated loss caused by potential radiation, i.e. radiation, which could not be foretold beforehand, needs to be considered.

Limitations principle is that the acceptance of dose of an individual shall not exceed the limit designated by the watchdog. Dose limit means the dose of radiation received by external and internal radiation during one (1) year, and does not depend on dose rate. Designation of the limit of dose does not take into account acceptance of dose for medical purpose, and the one, which is originated from natural radiation.

Optimisations principle is that protection and safety against radiation originated from source of radiation, which is utilized and tried hard so that the dose received by an individual and a number of individuals radiated will be as low as possible, in compliance with social and economic factors. Individual dose originated from source of radiation shall comply with the dose limitation, which is lower than the dose limit.

Article 4

The rules on radioactive waste management shall also be intended so that the future generations will not be burdened by the danger of radiation and/or contamination as a result of radioactive waste produced at present.

Article 5


Article 6


Article 7

Paragraph (1)

Utilization does not include management of radioactive waste.

"Inform" means a written statement written using permit form. In case radioactive waste will be returned to the country of origin, and an agreement between user or waste producer and importer or supplier shall be furnished.

Paragraph (2)

"Approval of the watchdog" is intended for the watchdog to be able to have knowledge about and control the existence of radioactive waste, so that improper hoarding or storage of waste in the Indonesian territory can be prevented.

Paragraph (3)


Paragraph (4)


Paragraph (5)


Article 8

Paragraph (1)

The permit is issued for the management of radioactive waste, which is part of the permit to utilize nuclear power that shall only be granted by the watchdog if the conditions set forth under government regulation No. 64/2000 on permit to utilize nuclear power have been fulfilled.

Paragraph (2)

State-owned enterprises, cooperatives, and/or other private enterprises, which will manage radioactive waste, besides fulfilling the foregoing conditions, they must also furnish an evidence of cooperation with or appointment by the watchdog (in the form of a letter of reference).

Article 9

Granting of permit to develop and operate collections, grouping, or processing and temporary storage facilities for radioactive waste as a result of mining of nuclear excavated materials, is not separate or independent, but become an integral part of the permit to utilize for the purpose of mining of nuclear excavated materials, which is granted by the watchdog.

Regarding mining of nun-nuclear excavated materials, if radiation safety analysis has been performed and the result shows the existence of subsidiary products or side products in the form of radioactive substance and waste, the development and operation of the collections, groupings, or processing and/or temporary storage facilities for radioactive waste as a result of mining of non-nuclear excavated materials, shall be furnished separately to the watchdog.

Mining includes management of mining products.

Article 10


Article 11


Article 12

"As low as possible" means compliance with radiation protections principle, as set forth in Article 3 of this regulation.

Article 13


Article 14


Article 15


Article 16

The records are intended to enable control over radioactive waste, starting from producing, processing, until storage of radioactive waste.

Records on radioactive waste always comply with time and locations of the radioactive waste, since the said records are construed as an important document to have knowledge regarding the status and condition of radioactive waste at that time.

Article 17

Paragraph (1)

Identification number is the identity or other information on nuclear fuel.

Paragraph (2)

Burn-up fraction is the comparison between the mass amount of burnt fuel and the mass total of fuel.

Paragraph (3)


Article 18

Paragraph (1)

The Republic of Indonesia does not accept radioactive waste produced by radioactive waste producers abroad. This matter is intended to prevent the hoarding of radioactive waste in the Indonesian territory, which may result in danger to the public and the environment.

The definition "stored" includes removed, processed, and re-processed.

Paragraph (2)


Paragraph (3)


Article 19

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)

Used nuclear fuel shall be temporarily stored in the facilities, which have been prepared and are able to accommodate all waste produced by nuclear reactor. During the operation of nuclear reactor, the used nuclear fuel that has been temporarily stored, may be delivered to the implementing agency, or returned to the country of origin.

Paragraph (3)


Article 20

Paragraph (1)

Clauses a and b


Clause c

Critical condition is a condition where chained nuclear fission may occur.

Clause d


Clause e


Clause f


Clause g


Clause h


Paragraph (2)


Article 21


Article 22


Article 23

Delivery of duplicate of certificate of delivery & acceptance to the watchdog is intended to enable control and locate the existence of waste accurately, either of its activity, classifications, or quantity.

Article 24 and 25


Article 26

Paragraph (1)

Temporary storing places of low and medium-level radioactive waste is intended only for liquid and solid radioactive waste.

Radioactive waste, which is in the form of gas, may be released into the air after its activity ceases to endanger the environment.

Paragraph (2)


Paragraph (3)


Article 27


Article 28


Article 29

Radioactive waste processor shall make only a one (1) time arrangement of quality guarantee program. The quality guarantee program, which has been prepared, shall be applicable during the operations of radioactive waste management installations, and may be revised, if necessary.

Article 30

Paragraph (1)

"Monitor... around the installations" shall be done continuously, periodically, and/or at any tine, depending on the impact of radiology as a result of activity at the said installations.

Paragraph (2)


Paragraph (3)


Article 31

Paragraph (1)

"Agency" is the definition set forth in the applicable laws.

Radiation safety analysis includes the content of radioactive substance and the estimated volume of radioactive waste during mining.

Paragraph (2)


Article 32

Paragraph (1)

"Enterprise" is the definition in accordance with the applicable laws.

Radiation safety analysis includes the content of radioactive substance and the estimated volume of radioactive waste during mining.

Paragraph (2)


Paragraph (3)


Article 33


Article 34


Article 35

Paragraph (1)


Paragraph (2)

"Applicable rules" are rules on nuclear power.

Paragraph (3)


Article 36


Article 37


Article 38


Article 39


Article 40
